Straight Line of the Day: “Trying To Save the World Is Leaving Young Climate Change Activists Exhausted and Frustrated.” I Know What Might Pep Them Up Some: …

Trying To Save the World Is Leaving Young Climate Change Activists Exhausted and Frustrated
MSN | September 5, 2022 | Jacob Fulton, USA TODAY

Straight Line of the Day: “Trying to save the world is leaving young climate change activists exhausted and frustrated.” I know what might pep them up some: …


  1. I know what might pep them up some: …

    …we shall host a majestic banquet for these young altruists. They shall feast until satiated on the roasted (or fried, the chef is very accommodating) remains of the birds slaughtered by their invaluable windmills.

  2. Straight Line of the Day: “Trying to save the world is leaving young climate change activists exhausted and frustrated.” I know what might pep them up some: …

    … getting up from the futon and cooking their own dinner.

    … the chance to chase down and corner Kyle Rittenhouse. Well, most of them.

  3. I know what might pep them up some.

    A legitimate education.

    Subjects to include:
    Entropy **
    – Closed systems do not have renewable energy sources
    – Open systems cannot be in equilibrium.
    **Opportunity cost

    – How is the entire system affected by a change in one sector of the system?
    Scientific Method
    -Falsifiability and the NULL hypothesis.

      • Point of order:.

        It was that you cannot calculate power from just electron volts. A volt is a joule per coulomb (energy over charge). An amp is a coulomb per second (charge over time). Power is joules per second.(energy over time).

        Thus you need to multiply volts times amps to get power. The coulombs cancel out and you get joules per second. (Watts). If you like you can divide that answer by 745.7 to figure out how many horses you’ll need to produce that amount of power.

  4. A version of The Truman Show where they get put in a giant bio-dome like sound stage with no cars, prop solar panels on every corner, WiFi and organic food as needed.
    Move them in, lock the door, let it go for a month, then send them a bill. If they can’t pay, then shut off all services and let it turn into Thunderdome.

  5. “Trying to save the world is leaving young climate change activists exhausted and frustrated.” I know what might pep them up some: …

    but I ain’t telling them so maybe they’ll all go away.

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