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THIS Is Why Those Who Question the 2020 Election Are Being Attacked as Criminals
Flopping Aces | 09-19-22 | Dr. John

A woman named Michele Long Spears was in a primary running for DeKalb County Commissioner. There were three candidates and the runoff would cull the lowest vote getter out of the race. In the voter machine tabulation Spears seemed to have the lowest vote total but she noticed something odd. She had received zero votes in her own district – despite she and her husband voting for her.

“In all but four of the district’s nearly 40 precincts, no Election Day votes were recorded for Ms. Spears, who had received more than 2,000 early votes. She said that she immediately alerted state and county election authorities.

“When I visited several precincts (including my own) after Election Day and saw ZERO votes reported for myself, I was shocked and knew that wasn’t accurate,” Ms. Spears said in a text message.

“After conducting a hand count over the Memorial Day weekend and auditing those returns, election officials determined that they had drastically underreported the vote totals for Ms. Spears.

“She received 43 percent of the vote, not 24 percent, as reported by an unofficial and incomplete election summary posted on May 25 on the county’s website. As the top vote-getter, Ms. Spears qualified for a June 21 runoff against the second-place candidate, Lauren Alexander.”

She eventually won the runoff. That’s really where the questions begin. The fault was placed on “programming errors” and “technical issues.”

The candidates expressed concerns . . .


[Note: the links are to DeKalb County publications, the New York Times, and CBS.  So, you know . . . ]


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