Confused D.A. Indicts Man Who Self-Identifies as a Ham Sandwich

AMA Declares Seven-Year Itch a Valid Medical Condition

“So, You Know, Go For It” Says Co-Authoress

Asks Merrick Garland To Investigate Anyone Who Raises Questions

Straight Line of the Day: Whoops. South Korea’s Next Missile…

South Korea Accidentally Bombs Golf Course in North Korea Missile Response
Breitbart | 10/05/2022 | Frances Martel

The government of South Korea confirmed on Wednesday that a short-range missile fired in an attempted response to North Korea flying its own projectile over Japan this week crashed into a local golf course, causing panic among South Korean civilians.

Pyongyang launched what American and South Korean officials believe to be a medium-range missile on Tuesday that flew over Aomori prefecture, Japan, causing alarm in that northern region and the neighboring island of Hokkaido. At press time, the repressive communist regime has yet to publicly comment on the missile launch or mention it in state-controlled media, meaning most North Koreans have no way of knowing the launch happened.

Straight Line of the Day: Whoops. South Korea’s next missile …

FBI Claims Sky Is Blue: Not One Person on Earth Believes Them

Friday Filler

“Happy Friday Mr. Walrus!”

“Happy Friday Miss Derek, how are you doing?”

“Well, and I got the classic funny for you!”

“Miss Derek you can always make me happy.”