Saturday Night Hootenanny

“Howdy boys another Saturday night and I ain’t got nobody. Dance with me to some rocking Rockabilly music?”

Museum of Failures Exhibit: The Spectacular Failure of Early 3-D Chess

IMAO Interns Measure Carpet Pattern Outside FrankJ’s Vault

“I think what you’ve got here is a 3-by-12 bias ply with a reverse Henshaw-Davis integrated weave, Mr. Oppo.”

“I’ll inform Mr. Fleming immediately.”

“And What Led You To Want To Become an IMAO Intern?”

“Well, That’s an Impressive Photo of the IMAO Broadcast Tower, For One Thing”

Later that same day, a less trustworthy clerk takes over:

Straight Line of the Day: Cool Costumes for This Year’s Halloween: …

Might as well get this one out of the way early this October: all indications are that it will be a perennial.

Straight Line of the Day: Cool costumes for this year’s Halloween: …

Russian Builder Admits “Some Corners May Have Been Cut” in Building of Skyscrapers

