Bonus Caption This!

Time constraints dictate a postponement of the music contest.

Please enjoy this bonus Caption This!


  1. “All of you Maga Dorks need to read my book and you will see that ima straight shooter because I use a shotgun like Arnold Scwartzenegger did in that movie ,uh, the uh, one with Alyssa Milan, she’s Italian and she would love my meatballs man! She’s a bad dude !..I mean witch. I want her for my next PP..uh, VP”.

  2. How much am I bid for this book?
    C’mon, man! Must be someone who wants to bid on this book!
    You, in the back there, Corn Pop, how about you?
    “No man, I’m fictional, I can’t bid…”

    The auction company has decided to shelve this item for the moment and re-offer it at a later date…

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