Every thing old is new again

Been clearing out my remote storage unit since they hiked me $30 a month to an already too expensive unit. So I am going through things I’ve Accumulated over my adult life and came across this little ditty from back in the bad old days of the Clinton administration. Now it does contain some bad words by our enforced standards of today but, since it is an historical artifact I will quote it. I think it will get by the Mods but let’s find out.

Just remember this was being joked about in the 1990s.

“Falling fairies from the sky,

I broke a nail, Oh I could cry.

Don’t you like how my tushy sways?

We are the fags of the Queer Berets.”

Bill Clinton’s words upon my ears.

‘You guys have rights, be proud you’re Queer.’

I once was scared, Now I’m okay.

Cause I’m a fag in the Queer Berets.

Put silver earclips on my nuts.

I love the pain, now spank my butt.

The way you walk is awfully cute.

I sure would love to pack your chute.

This Army stuff is awfully slick.

Free meals and clothes and lots of Dicks.

When I retire, I’ll still get paid.

I thank you Bill, from the Queer Berets.

Back at home, A young wife waits,

Her Queer Beret, just won’t go straight.

For his team, he stays undressed,

Spreads his legs and lies on his chest.”

Sooooo, comments? Observations? Moderation?



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