Straight Lie of the Day: Biden Denies He Hampered Oil Production. He Also Denies…

Laid-Off Pipeline Worker Rips Biden’s Denial About Oil Production — President Sought To ‘Debunk Myth’ He Curbed Output on Federal Land | 10/20/2022 | Art Moore

President Biden declared in a speech Wednesday it was a “myth” that his administration has slowed oil production or made it harder for energy companies to increase production.

That didn’t sit well with former Keystone XL pipeline welder Neal Crabtree, who was among hundreds of workers laid off hours after the president canceled the federal permit for the pipeline on his first day in office, Jan. 20, 2021. The project would have transported 830,000 barrels of oil per day from Canada to Texas. In addition, on day one, Biden placed a temporary moratorium on oil and gas activity in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

“I don’t know how he gets away with keep saying that he doesn’t have anything to do with [high gas prices] when they’ve got everything to do with it,” Crabtree said in a Fox Business interview.

In remarks at the White House on Wednesday, Biden said: “Let’s debunk some myths here. My administration has not stopped or slowed U.S. oil production. Quite the opposite.”

Straight Lie of the Day: Biden denies he hampered oil production. He also denies…


  1. ..and plans on taking the head lice campaign across the country,hoping to make it fun for little boys and girls by humour and telling jokes..thought of calling himself the ” AMAZING NIT WIT”…Dr.Jill told him to shut that down or no cookies and cream …

  2. On the first day of his administration biden:
    Killed the XL Pipeline
    directed his Acting Secretary of the Interior to issue a 60-day moratorium on new oil and gas leases on Federal lands.
    a week later, he extended that moratorium indefinitely.
    [Congressional Record Volume 167, Number 21 (Thursday, February 4, 2021)]
    [Pages H365-H371]
    All those pesky facts.

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