Straight Line of the Day: Biden Turns 80 Next Month! Appropriate Gift Ideas: …

Straight Line of the Day: Biden turns 80 next month! Appropriate gift ideas: …

‘Senile’ Joe Biden Is Bringing Shame to the United States
NY Post | 2 Oct 2022 | Miranda Devine

Joe Biden’s cognitive deficits are increasingly apparent, even to the most amateur observer.

Whether he has dementia at this point is immaterial. Half the world thinks he does and that weakens the United States and imperils us all.

Whether he is falling up the stairs of Air Force One or falling off a stationary bike, whether he is wandering around on stage in a fog or clutching cheat sheets designed for a 4-year-old, whether he is shouting incoherently or whispering creepily, the optics are shocking.

With his 80th birthday approaching next month, even if most Americans are too polite or willfully unobservant to say so, it’s clear that Biden is not up to the world’s most difficult job.

He projects weakness and folly at a time of international turmoil. Disrespect for the president echoes around the world, among allies and enemies alike.



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