Straight Line of the Day: October Surprise! What Will It Be?

You still know it’s coming soon. Even though those wacky Dems have already launched their September Surprise. And their August surprise. And their June and July surprises. They would have a daily surprise if they could keep their weak sisters in the media up to speed.

They need something like the leak of the Supreme Court reversal of the Roe decision to yield a sufficient “Surprise.” They’ve already pedaled their Student Loan Forgiveness surprise. bomb. If Merrick Garland could have held his horses a bit longer, the FBI’s raid on Donald Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago could have been the perfect October surprise. Launched prematurely, the raid has been exposed and turned into a liability for the Dems.

Here Comes the October Surprise!
American Thinker | 3 Oct, 2022 | Ralph Alter

Straight Line of the Day: October Surprise! What will it be?


  1. Schist hits the fan when hordes of disaffected geology students storm state capitols and Washington DC, demanding that they permanently change October to “Rock-tober”… FM DJs also join the call…

  2. The New York Times releases a photo of Gozer the Gozerian wearing a MAGA hat!

    The Times will later insist in a 2 point font at the bottom of page 126, redacted, after the election of course, that they didn’t know it was photoshopped. The ploy doesn’t work when Republicans point out that Gozer did less damage to NYC than Eric Adams and Kathy Hochul are doing.

  3. Biden has a major health event conducive to elderly males that eat ice cream..permanent brain freeze and left drooling in a chair..
    Enter President Kamala Harris in the emergency that follows..once sworn in, Nancy Pelosi becomes Vice President..and all of us here, we grab the popcorn and watch a nation implode until the closest heard it here first..later I will be known as Nostrildumass…

  4. An MSNBC Scoop! A blurry clip from the mid 1970s, reportedly Herschel Walker saying, “Hey, where da white women at?” The clip was found by the FBI in a pre dawn raid on the home of Mel Brooks. Although the next part of the video is obscured by a large rock, it appears Walker and a friend beat the stuffings out of two Democrats and stole their clothes.

    • And the worst part is the fact that Walker and his friend were trying to gain entry to a gang of known Republican miscreants consisting of rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperadoes, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, s**t-kickers and Methodists! It was worse than Watergate.

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