Straight Line of the Day: There Must Be Some Other Way of Resolving Disputes; Such As…

Well, there’s a headline you don’t see every day:

Dads Shot Each Other’s Daughters in Florida Road-Rage Gunfight
New York Post | Oct. 12, 2022

During the gun battle, Hale’s 5-year-old daughter was hit in the leg and Allison’s 14-year-old daughter was shot in the back, leaving her with a collapsed lung, Nassau County Sheriff Bill Leeper said Monday.

Straight Line of the Day: There must be some other way of resolving disputes; such as…


  1. Mommas, don’t let your babies grow up to be targets
    If ya let ’em ride shotgun with dad,
    Best let ’em wear carriers and armor and such
    Mamas don’t let your babies grow up to be targets
    ‘Cause they’ll never dodge lead and they’ll find themselves dead
    Even with someone they love

  2. I suggest nukes at ten paces. It seems a little radical but it will end ALL disputes and isn’t that what we all really want. As the marines are fond of saying “Kill them all and let God sort it out”. I’ve reached the point where I’m ok with that.

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