Straight Line of the Day: Unbiased MSNBC Host Asks Biden: How Can We Convince Voters We Have a Booming Economy?

Joe Biden Insists the U.S. Is Doing Better Than When Trump Was in Office | 10/22/2022 | Sarah Arnold

President Joe Biden is confident that after two years in the White House, the U.S. is still in better than shape when he was handed the keys.

During an interview with MSNBC, Biden claimed that most of what the Democrats have passed and what they’ve done has not “kicked in yet,” in response to polling data showing people trust Republicans more when it comes to the economy.

MSNBC host Jonathon Capehart asked “here’s a problem, I think, for you and Democrats, despite all the good economic news, low unemployment, record job creation, wage increases, Social Security cost of living adjustment to 8.7%, the highest in 40 years. And yet, poll after poll shows that the American people trust Republicans on the economy and think that Republicans should control Congress. How do you break through that?

Straight Line of the Day: Unbiased MSNBC host asks Biden: How can we convince voters we have a booming economy?


  1. …………….by trotting out the “savior” of the world barak hussein obama and his “it’s our turn” entourage. No one can argue with them. That would be racist and bigoted and just “mean”. Besides disrespectful of the actual president.

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