Straight Line of the Day: You Might Be Becoming a Third World Country When…

A guy posted a serious comment on a news website; I figured that Moon Nukers could do a funnier version.

The original:

You know you have turned into a third world country when:

When the government uses its police powers to attack political enemies of the regime.

When mobs supporting the socialists destroy billion of dollars worth of private property and are called “mostly peaceful” but a demonstration without violence in opposition to the socialists is called an ”insurrection.”

When the right to speak your opinion is suppressed if your opinion differs from the party line.

When the government is hell bent on disarming you for their own good.

When the government works to destroy the middle class with inflation, taxation, and economic collapse.

When the chief executive of the country calls his political opponents a threat to democracy.

When people defending themselves against violent rioters are prosecuted on trumped up charges, but the violent rioters are portrayed as victims.

I’ll start:

Straight Line of the Day: You might be becoming a Third World country when…

… you start finding mother-loving snakes on every mother-loving plane.


  1. You might be becoming a third world country when…your government no longer has control of parts of your national boarder and thousands and thousands of migrants invade your country on a daily basis yet those in charge claim they have everything under control.

  2. You might be becoming a Third World country when…

    . . . election results are determined by a crooked software company, crooked secretaries of state, and 1000s of ignorant mules

    . . . Donald Trump is elected for the third time in 2024 to upgrade us from our current Fourth World country status

    . . . the Carter administration was the good old days

  3. You might be becoming a third world country when..

    People in third world countries take exception to being compared to the U.S. adding ” nobody craps in our streets and gets away with it…”

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