Classic Car Competition

“Hi Mr. Walrus looks like we have a small issue here.”

“What’s that Miss Ireland?”

“We have a tie.”

“So the commentators are equally split? My my.”

“Maybe with these next two cars they will be more decisive.”

“Let us hope so.”


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138 votes · 138 answers

“Here are this week’s choices.

Jaguar E-Type 1961

No self-respecting list of classic cars could start without mentioning the Jaguar E-Type. This iconic car has a history of its own that would still break some records nowadays, with impressive top speeds of 150 mph and a sleek design to match. 

Enzo Ferrari described the Jaguar as the most beautiful car in the world and we’d be hard-pressed to disagree. Many of Jaguar’s future designs were inspired by the E-Type, from the body shape to the internal mechanisms and everything in between. It’s a classic car with a legacy that’s lived on arguably further than any other Jaguar in existence.


Porsche 911 1963

The Porsche 911 is described as a nearly perfect classic sports car—because there’s always room for a little bit of improvement. A long-time staple of the classic car community, this universally loved vehicle takes plenty of prizes when it comes to impressive statistics. 

The design of this luxury supercar actually stemmed from the Volkswagen Beetle, as both were designed by the same person: Ferdinand Porsche. And, even nowadays, the 911 continues to take the record of being the most popular classic sports car in the world. All of those cars have all been produced in the same factory, in Stuttgart, Germany. 

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Who do you prefer?
112 votes · 112 answers


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