Promoted Comments: Gumbeaux and Gene DiCompose

If this doesn’t get certain guitar riffs running through your head on an endless loop, nothing will.

“… We are all just prisoners here, of our own device.”
And in the House’s chambers, where IQs are the least
They stab taxpayers with their steely knives
While their palms are being greased.
“Relax,” said Pelosi, “We are programmed to deceive.
You can start your EV any time you like,
Your driveway, it will never leave.”

Welcome to the Hotel D of Columbia
Such an ugly place (such an ugly place)
Run by a nutcase

Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door (drunk)
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
“Relax,” said the night man
“We are programmed to receive
You can check out any time you like
But you can never leave.”

Welcome to the Hotel D of Columbia
Such an ugly place (such an ugly place)
Run by a nutcase…


  1. There he stood in his undies
    I sensed the crackpipe smell
    And I was thinking to myself
    “This could be the guy and the laptop from Hell”
    Then he lit up a file
    And he showed something crude,
    There were voices down the corridor
    I thought I heard them say..

    Hunter shut the porn down,
    We can only cover up so far
    Please come talk to your daddy Joey,
    We have him out in the car..

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