Saturday Night Hootenanny

“Howdy boys and a most Happy New Year to y’all. Got a list of the top country tunes from 1975 to 2000. And a bonus track because I care.”

Whoops. Whoopsie!

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, an Ethiopian microbiologist and director of the World Health Organization, (WHO) was recently captured on video saying:

. . . that some countries are using COVID-19 boosters “to kill children.” This is the most honest thing that has ever come out of Tedros’s mouth. World leaders repeatedly refuse to acknowledge the data on hospitalizations and sudden cardiac deaths in the fully vaccinated and boosted.

Sadly, the WHO walked back Tedro’s statements, and fact checkers now claim that his statement was a “slip of the tongue.”

The Nov. 15 Instagram post includes a video of Tedros speaking to the press. In the video he says, “So if it’s going to be used, [the covid-19 vaccine] it’s better to focus on those groups who have risk of severe diseases and death rather than, as we see in some countries, are using to give boosters to kill children.

They are denying he said the words he said. Bidenesque.

Afterthought: “Allegedly”

Looking for some comment or insight from those MoonNukers who are above average in intelligence:

In the previous post, I was going to use the word “allegedly,” but then I got to wondering:

Why is that accepted as any sort of protection against —

— I don’t know — lawsuits.


My question is: how many people does it take to qualify a statement as being “alleged”?

If I today call Walrus an emu-killer, or even rhea-attacker, does that mean that the New York Times can print a story describing Walrus as an “alleged emu-killer/rhea-attacker”?

Does the use of that word “alleged” shield the NYT in court from charges of having called him that?

Is that all it takes? For one single person to allege something? Is that the protection from being liable for libel?

Insights are welcome — from the elite described above, and even from MoonNukers who are just about average in intelligence (and you know who you are). The rest . . . eh . . . better hold your responses and email them to an address to be named later.

In Ironic Twist, Sympathetic Golddigger Goes Full Meghan Markle

Ex-Stripper Mom of Hunter Biden’s Child Wants Kid To Have “Powerful” Last Name
NY Post | December 29, 2022 | Jesse O’Neill

The mother of Hunter Biden’s love child has asked an Arkansas court to legally change the 4-year-old girl’s last name to Biden so the child can benefit from the family’s presidential lineage.

Happy New Year!

Derisive FBI posts leave me very doubtful if we will be online and conversing with each other 12 months from now.

The FBI is political.

Their idea of a federal database and power is not to capture criminals, but to get their jollies surveilling people and to destroy political enemies. By which I mean — those not on the left. To investigate, manufacture evidence against, and blackmail politicians and citizens.

And this nice smiling gentleman in the sunglasses wants to know if I have any information on Walrus’s whereabouts. I do not.

FBI — I Mean, the IRS — Announces Random Audits For the Next Sixty-Seven Hundred Years for Oppo, Walrus, Basil, Harvey, and FrankJ

Raquel, Kathy Ireland, Miss Derek, and That Nice Mr. Slapout Exempt, For Reasons Unclear

Emu Turns State’s Ovoidance

FBI No Closer To Uncovering Identity of “Corn Pop” After Extensive Redacted Search of Melania’s Underwear

May Take a Second Redacted Raid, They Say

Promoted Comments: Gumbeaux and Gene DiCompose

If this doesn’t get certain guitar riffs running through your head on an endless loop, nothing will.

“… We are all just prisoners here, of our own device.”
And in the House’s chambers, where IQs are the least
They stab taxpayers with their steely knives
While their palms are being greased.
“Relax,” said Pelosi, “We are programmed to deceive.
You can start your EV any time you like,
Your driveway, it will never leave.”

Welcome to the Hotel D of Columbia
Such an ugly place (such an ugly place)
Run by a nutcase

Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door (drunk)
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
“Relax,” said the night man
“We are programmed to receive
You can check out any time you like
But you can never leave.”

Welcome to the Hotel D of Columbia
Such an ugly place (such an ugly place)
Run by a nutcase…

Straight Line of the Day: Close Week / Close Month / Close Year.

Happy New Year y’all! (See below for actual Straight Line.)*

*That’s an asterisk.

Title derived from a scene in The Philadelphia Story:

Macaulay Connor (Jimmy Stewart): [telling off Sidney Kidd, his boss]

“Quote: No hunter of buckshot in the rear is cagey, crafty Connor. Un-quote. Close paragraph.”

Elizabeth (Liz) Imbrie:

“Close job. Close bank account.”

… Something too appropriate for 2022.

Something to appropriate for 2023:

Macaulay Connor:

“Champagne’s funny stuff. I’m used to whiskey. Whiskey is a slap on the back, and champagne’s heavy mist before my eyes.”


Resolutions for 2023: …

Reclusive IMAO Owner FrankJ (Portrayed, For Security Reasons, By Ukranian Body Double) Goes Hunting

Of course, the concurrent activities of Oppo are behind a paywall.

Promoted Comment — Life’s Little Irritations

I thought my beer had a twist off cap.
