The World Is Becoming More Irritating With Each Passing Day

(I have no joke to add to this.)

(Or particular example — as if it were necessary.)

(Thankfully, IMAO is effectively a pressure valve.)


  1. Did you need an example? I have one for you:

    I thought my beer had a twist off cap.

    It didn’t. I found that to bee annoying.

    I did not have such an annoyance yesterday, thus proving more annoyance as the days pass.

  2. I just read a story hailing Greta Thunberg for being a master at Twitter “Her response? Changing her Twitter bio – a move that she has mastered so well that it has almost become a badge of honour for right wingers. Some netizens have even started referring to it as “pulling as Greta”.
    At the time, her bio read, ‘Kind but poorly informed teenager’.”

    This is how we define brilliance in 2022..???

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