Yes, I Want Fries With That

Some stupid story on MSN had this waitress talking about how she got extra tips based on what she wore to work.

My napkin is fine, thank you.

There were some other words in the article, but I didn’t read them. Just as you are not reading these.

Later I recognized my handwriting on the tab, and my pseudonym, too.

Alec Baldwin Denounces “Rush To Judgement” Meted out to Celebrities in October 21, 2021, Killing

Biden Must Have No Sense of Humor


  1. Does he never look at what he’s doing and saying?

2. Every hilarious story that he tells he kills with “I’m not joking.”

3. He married the babysitter and calls her “doctor.”

4. He doesn’t comment at IMAO.

On the other hand:

  1. He called Hunter “the smartest man I know.”

Friday FBI Corner

(I know this hasn’t worked out well in the past, but we have a new agent who wants to give it a try.)

We’re going to totally stick it to the government! Yay! Post your own self-incriminating statement here:

I wanna __________________________________________________________________________ .

I Ain’t No Lawyer

. . . But I’d Take This Case:

Lawsuit Alleges Disneyland Employees Laughed at Disabled Woman Before She Fell While Getting Off Ride, Later Died
KTLA | 01/19/2023 | Cindy Von Quednow

My opening statement to the court:

“Call Cindy Von Quednow!”

“Has she tainted the jury pool?

Straight Line of the Day: Biden Apparently Still Wants To Run in 2024: We Might As Well Come Up With His Campaign Slogan Now So He Has Plenty of Time To Learn It.

Biden Reelection Plans On Track Despite Documents Controversy
The Hill | 01/18/2023

President Biden is on track to signal his reelection plans in the next few weeks, despite a self-inflicted classified documents controversy that has energized the GOP and put his political team on its heels.

“It’s still very much in the works and nothing has changed,” said one source familiar with the planning around the president’s forthcoming 2024 campaign bid.

Straight Line of the Day: Biden apparently still wants to run in 2024: We might as well come up with his campaign slogan now so he has plenty of time to learn it.

Friday What? Who?

Friday Classic Funny

“Good morning Miss Derek, how’s tricks?”

“Silly Walrus, trix are for kids.”

“Walked right into that one.”

“Sure did. Got just the thing for you, the Friday Classic Funny.”

“Lay it on me sista!”

“Control yourself.”