Swiped Off the Internet: Just Something To Break Up the Babesleagas

God knows why. And there was no need for the first apostrophe.


  1. Robin…add a small amount of bat guano to the sample chamber to see if the central processor will adjust for lies, deception, swamp gas and tyrrany. If that doesn’t work my friend..we only have… the red pill…

  2. “I hate America and I get 10% for selling it out on a daily basis. I am incurably stupid, as is my crime family.” Everything Biden says is a variation of that.

    The Batcomputer should just spit out an IBM card saying “Let’s Go Brandon.” That’s the usual response to everything he mumbles.

  3. President Biden: I wash born here, an I wash raished here, and dad gum it, I am gonna die here, an no sidewindin’ bushwackin’, hornswagglin’ cracker croaker is gonna rouin me bishen cutter.

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