Harvey Award winners notice

Just wanted to let everyone know that I am keeping track of Harvey Award Winners. Here are the winners for 2023 so far.


January 5, 2023 at 12:29 PM (Edit)

The Best Way To End the Speaker Stalemate in the House of Representatives Is…

a write in campaign for FramkJ Flemming.

Straight Line of the Day: The Best Way To End the Speaker Stalemate in the House of Representatives Is…


January 6, 2023 at 1:01 PM (Edit)

. . . he believes his wife is a doctor, his son is a genius and an artist, his brother is honest, his VP is a nun, the peasants derive rights from a thing, he was actually elected, his Cabinet is qualified for the jobs they hold, ditto his idiot Supreme Court justice, KJP could pass a lie detector test without the machine exploding, Bernie Sanders is a piker when it comes to Socialism, and the omnibus just passed includes Johnson’s baby shampoo for all the migrant kids he will visit in El Paso.

Straight Line of the Day: The United States Actually Has a President Who Cannot Differentiate Between Fiction and Reality. Therefore, …


January 12, 2023 at 12:14 PM (Edit)

Pelosi’s botoxed forehead.

Strait Line of the Day: Gibraltar Is Nowhere Near as Rock-Solid as…


January 18, 2023 at 4:46 PM (Edit)

It occurred to me that if our governing body is really worried about overthrow attempts, they should stop being a government that needs to be overthrown.

FBI Hip-Hop Thread

5.DamnCatJanuary 30, 2023 at 12:12 PM (Edit)

Limited government.

Straight Line of the Day: “Boys Will Be Boys” Necessarily Retired as a Saying. Also To Be Retired: …

If you get to a Harvey level please let me know so I can add you to the list. I’m pretty good at surveying all the posts but I would hate to have anything slip through. I also hope to get more active in awarding Obscuries and who knows, maybe we can come up with another award or two to keep you all amused.


  1. Wow. Those are some legendary names right there and it’s time I admitted something. I’m not going for Bacon. I’m going for Obscurity and since I have one under my belt already life seems a little bit less exciting now but I will press on..not as hard as when Napolean invaded Russia, but I will forge ahead with vigor and enthusiasm.

  2. Oppo, I see you track Harvey’s about as well as the government tracks Chinese spy balloons as they froat above the nation (2/3), and here’s another clue – maybe you got hammered last night (1/30)… how soon they forget…

  3. Here’s one you missed, probably because I didn’t get around to reading that post and giving it its tenth strip of bacon until Feb. 4:

    rodneydillFebruary 2, 2023 at 1:03 PM
    Straight Line of the Day: Scotty T Has Clinically Diagnosed “Beautiful Woman Dyslexia”: They Say “I’m really angry with you.” , We Hear “Drape a towel on my shoulders and say, ‘Now you’re SuperAngry’.”

    She may laugh… You may die.


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