OK, I’ll Get Off This Subject Right Now

I feel sure there’s not a person on this continent — I assume the French are way different — who is not, by now, weary of debate about Covid vaccines.

I will stay off this particular soapbox, I promise. Your body, your choice. But I really admired this guy’s ability to say what I would say, but in fewer words. (Odd choice of a website, though.)

Fauci Comes Clean: We Knew the Covid Vaccine Was Never Going To Work
The Conservative Woman | February 15, 2023 | Jeffery Tucker

What if Dr. Anthony Fauci co-authored an article on vaccines that would have got you and me blocked and banned at any point in the past three years? That’s just happened.

His article in Cell, ‘Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenzaviruses, and other respiratory viruses‘, states it as plainly as possible: the Covid-19 vaccine didn’t work because it couldn’t work.

First, some review from what we knew before this whole fiasco began.

Vaccines aren’t suitable for coronaviruses. Such respiratory viruses spread and mutate too quickly. This is why there has never been a vaccine for the common cold and why the flu shot is predictably suboptimal. Vaccines can be sterilising and contribute to public health only when the virus is a stable pathogen, such as smallpox and measles. For coronaviruses, there’s really only one way forward: better antivirals, therapeutics and acquired immunity.

The above paragraph has been repeated to me countless times in my life, especially after Covid-19 hit. Every expert was on the same page. There was simply no question about it. Anything that would be called a vaccine would lack the features of vaccines past. It wouldn’t stop infection or transmission, much less end a bad season for respiratory viruses. This is why the Food and Drug Administration has never approved one. It wouldn’t and couldn’t make it through trials, especially given the safety risks associated with every vaccine.

Maybe, maybe, there exists the possibility that you can come up with one variant, but it isn’t likely to be approved in time to be effective. It might provide temporary protection against severe outcomes from one variant, but it will be useless against further mutations. In addition, vaccine-induced protection isn’t as broad as natural immunity, so it’s likely that the person would get infected later. Boosting is likely only to pertain to last month’s mutation and raises dangers of itself: imprinting the immune system in ways that make it less effective.

Sadly, posting those three paragraphs on social media at any point in the past three years would haved likely got you censored or even banned. Normal science was suppressed. Common knowledge among experts was verboten. Everything we’ve learned for a century or even two millennia was thrown out. The job of censorship was tasked to a gaggle of ill-educated tech workers obeying the FBI overlords, so they went along.

And here we are two years after the vaccine rollout and the truth is rather well known. The vaccines were an enormous flop. At best. At worst, they caused tremendous amounts of injury and death as compared to any vaccine ever approved for the market. That they were forced on people in many professions – and backed by a Stalinesque media frenzy – is simply incredible. Several cities even locked themselves down for the vaccinated only. Even now, unvaccinated non-Americans can’t travel to the United States, unless they come across the southern border.

Yet only now does Fauci choose to lay out the science that we knew long ago. There’s nothing particularly interesting in his article. Only the timing is interesting, following trillions in pharma profits and millions displaced by mandates and suffering from injury all over the world. Now he says that there was really no chance that the vaccine would be either effective or necessarily safe.

OK, rant over. This is a humor site, not a political forum. Oh wait; yes it is a political forum. But it’s not a medical one. Be that as it may, I had to leave my job rather than agree to submit to the vaccine that is supposed to alter your immune system to regulate your humours — or something like that — so I take this personally. Rant over.


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