Straight Line of the Day: What Has the Military Done With Over 220 Billion Dollars Worth of Equipment?

A bookend to yesterday’s SLoTD.

Pentagon Can’t Account for $220 Billion Given to Contractors
Reason | 18 Jan 2023 | Eric Boehm

Auditors say the Pentagon cannot account for $220 billion worth of government-owned gear provided to military contractors—and the actual total is likely much higher.

In a report released Tuesday, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) slammed the Pentagon’s handling of so-called “government-furnished property” (GFP) that has been passed off to contractors with little oversight. The GAO notes that auditors have asked for decades that the Pentagon develop a plan to account for that gear and equipment—which can include “ammunition, missiles, torpedoes,” and component parts for those items—to little avail. In 2001, the Pentagon said it would address the issue by 2005. In 2020, it said the process would be complete by 2026.

Perhaps someday we’ll know how much taxpayer-funded military gear has been handed out to contractors. For now, the GAO notes that the $220 billion estimate is “likely significantly understated.”

Straight Line of the Day: What has the military done with over 220 Billion dollars worth of equipment?


  1. Perhaps someday we’ll know how much
    Military gear
    Has been handed out to contractors
    Year after year.

    For now, the GAO notes
    — and you can put this in quotes —
    The $220 billion estimate is “likely significantly understated”
    And they wonder why government
    Is underhated.

  2. Item 1- Biden goes to his beachhouse almost every weekend…
    Item 2- Secret Service say there may be lots of visitors but they don’t know who and dont have a register.
    Ergo-This can only mean that Joe is running yardsales and selling all the kit and munitions…and if you want classified documents, they are in the garage..

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