Cartoons and Memes : Saturday Night Special

Looks like this is going to be a regular feature for the time being.

“Hi Miss Cardinale, looks like you got the news you will be a permanent intern with a regular position.”

“Yes I did. I am so happy with any position with you.”

“Quite. You have last week’s winner?

“Here it is.”

“Great! And this week’s choices?”

“Coming right up sir”


This poll is no longer accepting votes

Which one is funniest?
79 votes · 79 answers

And You’re Racist

Biden’s Nominee To Lead FAA Can’t Answer a Single Question About Aviation and Air Travel Senator Ted Budd (R-NC) Asks
Forbes Breaking News channel at YouTube | March 2, 2023

At yesterday’s Senate Commerce Committee hearing, Sen. Ted Budd (R-NC) questioned Phillip Washington, nominee to be Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration.

Greta Thunberg Thrilled at Getting Everybody Off the Highways

Straight Line of the Day — Finish This Sentence: A Strange Man Once Said a Strange Thing to Me: …

Straight Line of the Day — Finish this sentence:

A strange man once said a strange thing to me: …

Welcome to IMAO! Board of Directors Examines Interns’ Budget

Oppo [lower left, out of frame]: “Now, keep in mind, gentlemen, this is . . . Yaah! A rat!”

[Pair of deuces goes unplayed.]

Harvey Award Update

Hi all. We have our periodic update on Harvey Award winners. Please remember to lets us know if you win one so we can add you to the list.


January 5, 2023 at 12:29 PM (Edit)

The Best Way To End the Speaker Stalemate in the House of Representatives Is…

a write in campaign for FramkJ Flemming.

Straight Line of the Day: The Best Way To End the Speaker Stalemate in the House of Representatives Is…


January 6, 2023 at 1:01 PM (Edit)

. . . he believes his wife is a doctor, his son is a genius and an artist, his brother is honest, his VP is a nun, the peasants derive rights from a thing, he was actually elected, his Cabinet is qualified for the jobs they hold, ditto his idiot Supreme Court justice, KJP could pass a lie detector test without the machine exploding, Bernie Sanders is a piker when it comes to Socialism, and the omnibus just passed includes Johnson’s baby shampoo for all the migrant kids he will visit in El Paso.

Straight Line of the Day: The United States Actually Has a President Who Cannot Differentiate Between Fiction and Reality. Therefore, …


January 12, 2023 at 12:14 PM (Edit)

Pelosi’s botoxed forehead.

Strait Line of the Day: Gibraltar Is Nowhere Near as Rock-Solid as…


January 18, 2023 at 4:46 PM (Edit)

It occurred to me that if our governing body is really worried about overthrow attempts, they should stop being a government that needs to be overthrown.

FBI Hip-Hop Thread

5.DamnCatJanuary 30, 2023 at 12:12 PM (Edit)

Limited government.

Straight Line of the Day: “Boys Will Be Boys” Necessarily Retired as a Saying. Also To Be Retired: …

6.rodneydillFebruary 2, 2023 at 1:03 PM (Edit)

Straight Line of the Day: Scotty T Has Clinically Diagnosed “Beautiful Woman Dyslexia”: They Say “I’m really angry with you.” , We Hear “Drape a towel on my shoulders and say, ‘Now you’re SuperAngry’.”

She may laugh… You may die.

7.BurtFebruary 6, 2023 at 1:58 PM (Edit)

There Will Be No Rapture for a While. Instead, There Will Be…

99 red balloons.

Straight Line of the Day: There Will Be No Rapture for a While. Instead, There Will Be…

8.Bob BFebruary 3, 2023 at 12:20 PM (Edit)

What is a Chinese balloon doing over the United States?


Straight Line of the Day: What Is a Chinese Balloon Doing Over the United States?

Bob BJanuary 30, 2023 at 12:19 PM (Edit)

… “I really got hammered last night…” – Paul Pelosi

Straight Line of the Day: “Boys Will Be Boys” Necessarily Retired as a Saying. Also To Be Retired: …

BurtFebruary 25, 2023 at 12:19 PM (Edit)

Man Has Breakthrough Discovery: …

The ice isn’t thick enough for ice fishing yet.

Straight Line of the Day: Man Has Breakthrough Discovery: …

OppoFebruary 23, 2023 at 12:42 PM (Edit)

No Carbon Nation

Straight Line of the Day: What Changes to Heineken Can We Expect Now That Bill Gates Is Involved?

OppoFebruary 23, 2023 at 12:20 PM (Edit)

LaBatt’s Blue Screen of Death!

Straight Line of the Day: What Changes to Heineken Can We Expect Now That Bill Gates Is Involved?