Viagraculture Infiltrates U.S. Navy

Female Officers Offer No Complaints

U.S. Grunts Still Out There Doing the Job No One Else Will Do

“We’re going to war against who now? Why, exactly?”

Heh. Advertising Can Do Wonders

How Free-Range Eggs Became the Norm in Supermarkets, and Sold Customers a Lie | March 14, 2023

Free-range egg farms differ from the advertised scenes of chickens roaming free in open fields. In fact, free-range flocks can reach up to 16,000 hens a shed, with daytime access to the outside provided by holes in the perimeter.

Beaks are trimmed to prevent the fighting that arises as a result of stress in this unnatural environment. More expensive organic eggs, produced by much smaller flocks on farms where beak trimming is banned, are a minority of those eaten in the U.K.

Free-range egg farming is seen as both safer and more ethical than other forms of production. Though free from the worst excesses of battery farming, eggs with the free-range label are still produced on densely packed farms. Large, intensive systems such as these are implicated in the spread of bird flu, devastating poultry and wildlife alike.

Approximately Fourteen Hours After Drinking the Interns’ Punch, You Will Wake Up in the Forest

State Line of the Day: Things You Might Say to a State Trooper as You Speed Into His State From Yours

State Line of the Day: Things you might say to a state trooper as you speed into his state from yours

Welcome to IMAO! OK, Everyone, Enough Lollygagging: Back to Work.

Cartoons and Memes

“Miss Welch! You’re back!”

“Sorry for my absence sir, I kind of been a little dead lately.”

“Forgiven, all is forgiven. My world is more whole now.”

“I’ll never leave you again sir.”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

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