Cartoons and Memes : Saturday Night Special

“Good evening Miss Cardinale. I see you have recovered from your deshabillie.”

“I don’t know what the means.”

“Let us say it is a compliment.”

“If you say so sir. I have last week’s results here and this week’s entries.”

“Then let us lay on McDuff!”

“Who? Why?”

“Never mind. Proceed.”



This week’s entries


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Which one is funniest?
108 votes · 108 answers

Air Farce: We’ll Answer Your Questions If We Are Given More Money!

ChatGPT Can Make Short Work of Pentagon Tasks, Air Force CIO Says

Lauren Knausenberger, chief information officer at the Department of the Air Force, listens to a question Feb. 28, 2023, at an event hosted by Billington Cybersecurity. (Colin Demarest/C4ISRNET)

FALLS CHURCH, Va. — Generative artificial intelligence like the wildly popular ChatGPT has a promising future at the U.S. Department of Defense, where time-consuming tasks and red tape can clog the path to accomplishment, according to Lauren Knausenberger, the Air Force’s chief information officer.

A smart assistant or AI-powered chatbot could efficiently find files, answer frequently asked questions or dig up contact information, among other menial assignments, Knausenberger said Feb. 28 at an event in Virginia hosted by Billington Cybersecurity. Automating such processes could save precious time and resources.

“And… no … no … No! I have no new money in my bank account from ChatGPT.”

(A) Will the information budget be decreased in any way corresponding to the time supposedly saved?

(B) Or will the budget be magically increased, due to unforeseen consequences?

(C) Is there not a “frequently asked questions” on the website? If not, would it be cheap to add it?

(D) Is there no contact information on the website? If not . . . ?

(E) What was the cost of this event hosted in Virginia by Billington Cybersecrutiy? Who bore the cost?

(F) Was there ANY other angle available to photograph this chief information officer from?

“… And, Once Again, I’d Like To Thank You All For Listening to This Admittedly Lengthy Conference Call on a Saturday.”

Oh, for Pedo’s Sake! Just Cut Off Our Heating, Cooling, and Transportation, and Remove All Chairs, and Have Done With It!

Biden Admin Cracks Down on Air Conditioners as War on Appliances Continues
Fox News | 3/24/23 | Thomas Catenacci

The Biden administration announced its latest home appliance regulations this week, targeting air conditioners in an action it said would reduce the nation’s carbon emissions.

The regulations, unveiled Thursday by the Department of Energy (DOE), finalize energy efficiency standards for home air conditioning units, or window air conditioners, and portable air cleaners.

The rules for air cleaners are scheduled to be implemented in 2024 and the rules for room air conditioners are slated for 2026.

Mathematical Model Illustrates How Republican Voting Districts Turn Into Democrat Voting Districts

Straight Line of the Day: Things You Might Also Find Yourself $100 Billion in the Red For: …

New Cost Estimate for High-Speed Rail Puts California Bullet Train $100 Billion in the Red
Cal Matters | March 7, 2023 | Ralph Vartabedian

The latest report from the California High-Speed Rail Authority projects costs for the initial segment at $35 billion, which exceeds secured funding by $10 billion. Other segments of the system are likely to have their projected costs increase, too. The state hopes it will get more federal aid.

Welcome to IMAO! We’ve Been Reviewing Some of Your Comments, and . . . Well, Frankly, . . .

{Grabs random comments from desk and tosses them on the fire}

I’m going to have to ask Miss Welch, Miss Derek, Miss Ireland, Miss Lawless — and some of the others — to take you in hand — to take you under their wings, as it were — and coax you along — as it were. I’ve already inquired, and they seem extraordinarily excited.”

China in the Bull Shop

Biden Accidentally Thanks CHINA During Speech to Canada’s Parliament as Politicians Break Into Laughter
Daily Mail | 3/24/23

President Joe Biden, in his speech to Canada’s Parliament, thanked China when he praised lawmakers for a new deal to slow migration at northern border.

‘I applaud China,’ he said before quickly correcting himself to Canada. The lawmakers roared with laughter in response.

‘Excuse me. I applaud Canada,’ the president said. ‘You can tell what I’m thinking about China. I won’t get into that yet.’