Babesleaga Group T : Week 1 : Nicole Kidman vs Meg Ryan

Good night to all.

Nicole Kidman vs Meg Ryan

Nicole Kidman


Meg Ryan

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Who do you prefer?
149 votes · 149 answers

Babesleaga Group T : Week 1 : Lea Thompson vs Phoebe Cates

Good evening.

Lea Thompson vs Phoebe Cates

Lea Thompson


Phoebe Cates

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Who do you prefer?
151 votes · 151 answers

Kamala Has Down-Escalator Installed in White House After Hearing About Joe’s Problems on Air Force One

Doocy: “Wouldn’t an Up-escalator to the living quarters have been more appropriate?

Press Secretary: “I can’t speak to that. I’d have to refer you to the White House Counsel.”

Harvey Award : Update March 27, 2023

Hi Gang.

We had several Harvey’s going out this past week so here is the updated list.

January 5, 2023 at 12:29 PM (Edit)
The Best Way To End the Speaker Stalemate in the House of Representatives Is…

a write in campaign for FramkJ Flemming.

January 6, 2023 at 1:01 PM (Edit)
. . . he believes his wife is a doctor, his son is a genius and an artist, his brother is honest, his VP is a nun, the peasants derive rights from a thing, he was actually elected, his Cabinet is qualified for the jobs they hold, ditto his idiot Supreme Court justice, KJP could pass a lie detector test without the machine exploding, Bernie Sanders is a piker when it comes to Socialism, and the omnibus just passed includes Johnson’s baby shampoo for all the migrant kids he will visit in El Paso.

January 12, 2023 at 12:14 PM (Edit)
Pelosi’s botoxed forehead.

January 18, 2023 at 4:46 PM (Edit)
It occurred to me that if our governing body is really worried about overthrow attempts, they should stop being a government that needs to be overthrown.

5.DamnCatJanuary 30, 2023 at 12:12 PM (Edit)
Limited government.

6.rodneydillFebruary 2, 2023 at 1:03 PM (Edit)
Straight Line of the Day: Scotty T Has Clinically Diagnosed “Beautiful Woman Dyslexia”: They Say “I’m really angry with you.” , We Hear “Drape a towel on my shoulders and say, ‘Now you’re SuperAngry’.”

She may laugh… You may die.

7.BurtFebruary 6, 2023 at 1:58 PM (Edit)
There Will Be No Rapture for a While. Instead, There Will Be…

99 red balloons.

8.Bob BFebruary 3, 2023 at 12:20 PM (Edit)
What is a Chinese balloon doing over the United States?


  1. Bob BJanuary 30, 2023 at 12:19 PM (Edit)
    … “I really got hammered last night…” – Paul Pelosi
  1. BurtFebruary 25, 2023 at 12:19 PM (Edit)
    Man Has Breakthrough Discovery: …

The ice isn’t thick enough for ice fishing yet.

  1. OppoFebruary 23, 2023 at 12:42 PM (Edit)
    No Carbon Nation
  1. OppoFebruary 23, 2023 at 12:20 PM (Edit)
    LaBatt’s Blue Screen of Death!
  1. BurtMarch 22, 2023 at 12:17 PM (Edit)
    Mrs. Winifred Mason Huck

Was feeling down on her luck.
Her nephew was chidin’
her vote for Biden
Who everyone knew was a schmuck.

14.BurtMarch 22, 2023 at 12:49 PM (Edit)
Mrs. Winifred Mason Huck

Fell on her face in some muck.
She straightened her clothes
And powdered her nose
Saying “Now I’m ready to…..whatever.”

  1. DamnCatMarch 22, 2023 at 12:27 PM (Edit)
    Mrs. Winifred Mason Huck
    Had plenty of courage and pluck
    She won great regard
    As a school crossing guard
    Because her face could stop a truck
  1. EditorMarch 22, 2023 at 4:03 PM (Edit)
    ee cummings hardest hit

Hill and Bill of Attainder

Roger Kimball:

Section nine of Article I of the Constitution says that “No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.” Bills of attainder were used and abused by the English crown to target specific people or groups of which it disapproved. If a person was “attainted,” his civil rights were forfeit. He became a pariah. His property could be seized, and he could face imprisonment or execution.

We don’t acknowledge that we promulgate bills of attainder in this country, but that is essentially the judgment that has been pronounced against Donald Trump. It was the aim of Robert Mueller’s darkly farcical investigation, the purpose of Trump’s two impeachments, and the aim of the kangaroo court known as the House’s January 6 Select Committee, Liz Cheney (D-Georgetown) presiding. Her work there, she said, was to make sure that Donald Trump never got near the Oval Office again. I think it was only a rumor that Cheney had special copies of the Constitution printed with an addition to Article II providing her with a veto over who was allowed to be president of the United States.

Donald Trump has been singled out, he has been attainted, by the ruling elites of this country. As Michael Anton pointed out last summer, “The people who really run the United States of America have made it clear that they can’t, and won’t, if they can help it, allow Donald Trump to be president again.” What will the deep state do to prevent Trump from winning? Anton sketches several possibilities from having Trump declared ineligible because he allegedly sparked an “insurrection” on January 6, 2021 to simple cheating at the ballot box.

Then there is Plan F.

What happens then? Well, in the words of the ‘Transition Integrity Project,’ a Soros-network-linked collection of regime hacks who in 2020 gamed out their strategy for preventing a Trump second term, the contest would become ‘a street fight, not a legal battle.’ Again, their words, not mine. But allow me to translate: The 2020 summer riots, but orders of magnitude larger, not to be called off until their people are secure in the White House.

Babesleaga Group T : Week 1 : Kathleen Turner vs Winona Ryder

Good afternoon.

Kathleen Turner vs Winona Ryder

Kathleen Turner


Winona Ryder

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Who do you prefer?
134 votes · 134 answers

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night. I Downed a Dark and Stormy, and Put Down a Cigarette. “You Suck, Cigarette,” I Said. That’s When She Strolled In…

Saxophone plays softly in background.

“I wanna be an intern so bad,” she mouthed.

“So, Babesleaga’s not good enough for you, Dollface?” I asked, ignoring the double entendre.

Straight Line of the Day: Hunter Biden Drops in for a Visit and Says: …

Straight Line of the Day: Hunter Biden drops in for a visit and says: …

Welcome to IMAO! What Is This Unholy Fascination With Dinosaur Butts?

Babesleaga Group T : Week 1 : Elizabeth Shue vs Jennifer Beals

New week, new group, new ladies. Good morning.

Elizabeth Shue vs Jennifer Beals

Elizabeth Shue


Jennifer Beals

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Who do you prefer?
134 votes · 134 answers

Babesleaga Group S : Final Results and Standings

Congratulations to the winner of Group S.

Rita Hayworth


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Who do you prefer?
119 votes · 119 answers

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Who do you prefer?
120 votes · 120 answers

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Who do you prefer?
111 votes · 111 answers

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Who do you prefer?
117 votes · 117 answers


ContestantsRecordPointsAveragePoints AgainstAverage Score
Rita Hayworth7 – 0 – 067296.0024196.00-34.42
Hedy Lamarr5 – 1 – 155779.5734379.57-49.00
Vivian Leigh5 – 2 – 050271.7138971.71-55.57
Lana Turner4 – 2 – 148369.0041769.00-59.97
Donna Reed3 – 4 – 043061.4244961.42-64.00
Myrna Loy2 – 5 – 035550.7152750.71-75.28
Doris Day1 – 6 – 032446.2857246.28-81.71
Carole Lombard0 – 7 – 023834.0062434.00-89.14

Group T starts later today.

  • 10:00 am Elizabeth Shue vs Jennifer Beals
  • 2:00 pm Kathleen Turner vs Winona Ryder
  • 6:00 pm Lea Thompson vs Phoebe Cates
  • 8:00 pm Nicole Kidman vs Meg Ryan

See you there, Aloha.