Even Little Kids Ask Him Questions Too Difficult For Him To Answer

(I mean, apart from having to prompt him to remember his trip to Ireland last week.)

Joe Biden May Not Be Easy To Defeat Despite His Cognitive and Mental Decline
American Thinker | 04/28/2023 | Rajan Laad

If there is one word to summarize the functioning of the Biden administration, it is “consistency.” Alas for America, this is the undesirable kind of consistency of misgovernance, lies, incompetency, coverups, the attack on democratic values, corruption, and gaffes.

We saw more proof of this yesterday during a White House event on “bring your kid to work day.” Biden asked his audience of young children if they had any questions for him. Perhaps this wasn’t what his handlers had ordered him to do, but as often happens, it slipped his mind.

A little girl asked Biden where his grandchildren live. Biden replied as follows:

“So let me see, I got one in New York, two in Philadelphia, three, no three because I got one granddaughter who is, I don’t know, you’re confusing me, but they’re all around Wilmington, California, New York and Philadelphia, the cities they live in.”

Strayline Uh the Day: So What Question Would YOU, as an Impartial Journalist, Prompt Biden To Answer?

Biden Cheat Sheet Shows He Had Advance Knowledge of Journalist’s Question
The New York Post | 04/26/2023 | Josh Christenson

A cheat sheet held by President Biden during a Wednesday press conference revealed that the 80-year-old commander in chief had advance knowledge of a question from a journalist.

“How are YOU squaring YOUR domestic priorities — like reshoring semiconductors manufacturing — with alliance-based foreign policy?” read a question from Los Angeles Times reporter Courtney Subramanian.

Note photo:

Oddly enough. . .

This exchange is not recorded in the White House transcript of the press conference.

This punctuation mark is how shocked I am.

But his proficiency in repeating the word “senileconductor” is impressive:

It wasn’t designed to hurt China.  It was designed to — so we didn’t have to worry about whether or not we had access to semiconductors.  For example, during the pandemic, what happened was all of a sudden everybody started to learn the phrase “supply chain.”  A year ago, no one knew what the hell anybody was talking about when you said “supply chain.” 

Speak for yourself, little Joe Biden. Speak for yourself.

But now they all know.  And we lost access to these — these semiconductors and which new automobiles in the United States need 30,000 of them just to build a new automobile.  And we didn’t have them. 

So we started to invest here.  And what happened was, when we encouraged the investment through the CHIPS and Science Act — and now we have enormous investment in the United States — well over $200 tril- — billion in long-term investment in semiconductors

You’ll see billions. We’ll see trillions.

And we’re rebuilding the economy of the United States with those semiconductors.  It’s not designed to hurt China. 

Of course not. Because of course not.

The only thing I did say, with regard to China: There are certain extremely sophisticated semiconductors that we have built that are useful for nuclear and/or other weapons systems.  Those we are not selling.  We’re not exporting them to China or anyone else. 

We’re leaving them in our garage; it’s not like they’re on the street.

And so that’s the context in which this has all occurred.  In the meantime, we’re creating thousands of jobs

— after eliminating hundreds of thousands of jobs —

and bringing back a sense of pride and dignity to so many towns in the country where, all of a sudden, over the last three decades, we found out that factory that hired — had 600 people shut down. 


Abortion? Or put into rest homes with Covid patients?

The soul of that community was lost. 

And so I made sure, when the

— checks notes —

semiconductors were coming back, that they were not just going to go to the coast, they’d be all over the country. 

And so we have a significant “field of dreams” in — outside of — in Ohio, outside of Columbus.

Democrat true believers, please listen closely to the guy you installed as leader of the free world:

We’re in Texas. 

Bzzzt. .  He is in the Rose Garden, in Washington, D.C.

We’re in Arizona. 

Anyway — they’re all over the country. 

So, it’s not viewed to hurt anyone else.  We are providing access to those

(Checks notes)

semiconductors.  We’re not — we’re a

(Checks notes)

supply chain you can count on. 

But we are not — we are not going to sit back and be in a position where we don’t have access to those semiconductors

Welcome to IMAO! We Absolutely Can’t Stress This Enough

Friday Classic Funny

“Happy Friday Miss Derek, what we got for today?”

“Still a bit thin on the Farside but we got a good roundup of the Calvin & Hobbes.”

“Well then, let’s get those doggies out.”

“As you wish sir.”

I’ll Take Their Word For It

. . . because I’m sure not going to insult my intelligence by watching video of Kamala.

Power Line | 26 Apr 2023 | Elizabeth Stauffer

She did it again.

Nearly every time Vice President Kamala Harris speaks to the public, the occasion ends with a humiliating and viral sound bite. And this time was no exception.

In her first public appearance since President Biden’s re-election announcement, Harris delivered remarks at an abortion rights rally at her alma mater, Howard University, in Washington D.C. on Tuesday.

Describing the significance of the moment, Harris told the crowd:

So I think it’s very important, as you have heard from so many incredible leaders for us at every moment in time and certainly this one, to see the moment in time in which we exist and are present, and to be able to contextualize it, to understand where we exist in the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past but the future.

Amusement of the Day

Trust me, MoonNukers, I am giving you only the funniest bits from this twelve-billion-word article on someone who humbly doesn’t want to be talked about anymore.

Greta Thunberg Doesn’t Want You to Talk About Her Anymore
Politico | April 28, 2022 | Karl Mathiesen

The pandemic wasn’t just a body blow for an organization completely reliant on momentum from the streets. For many of the activists involved, it also deprived them of a place to give voice to a shared dread: what kids in these times call “climate anxiety.”

Oddly, for a bunch of kids considering the apocalypse, the vibe was all about having fun.

“. . . we would just play music and hang out with each other,” said Mitzi Jonelle Tan, the convener of Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines and a Fridays For Future organizer. In contrast to Thunberg’s popular public image, which is largely based on the angriest segments of her speeches, those who know her describe her as warm, caring, funny, extremely blunt and, at times, silly.

Struggling against a whole different set of challenges in places like Uganda, the Philippines or India, they had different ideas about what it meant to fight climate change; and they were ready to call out the ignorance of their rich, white friends.

When back-to-back typhoons threatened Tan’s hometown in the Philippines in late-2020, Western members sent through a list of emergency measures she could take. Fill the bathtub with water, they said, in case she was trapped in her home without drinking water. “And I’m like, I don’t have a tub.”

Even the name Fridays For Future — which Thunberg had started as a hashtag when her school strikes were still minor gatherings outside the Swedish parliament — was a crock. For much of the world’s population, climate change isn’t a future concern, said Tan. “We’re not just fighting for our future, we’re fighting for our present.”

On separate calls, activists from the global south and indigenous communities formed a group called MAPA — Most Affected People and Areas — and decided Fridays For Future needed to be reshaped if they were to be part of it. They organized “decolonization trainings” for their fellow activists, which Thunberg joined. “We were holding each other accountable because we cared about each other as a movement,” said Tan.

Thunberg was a sponge.

The planet might have been closing down, but Thunberg’s world was opening up.

According to interviews with 10 of her closest collaborators and fellow activists, what she heard during those quiet, introspective months changed her — and accelerated an evolution in the focus of her efforts.

In her early teens, Thunberg became sick. She ceased eating and talking.

Activism, both Thunberg and her parents have said, was her salvation. It was also a process of finding and banding together people who shared her anxiety and her view that, ultimately, climate change is a moral question: right and wrong — or as she has said, black and white.

At a meeting with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in the Congress, Thunberg found herself sitting next to Tokata Iron Eyes, a Sioux youth leader whose Standing Rock tribe were fighting against the construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline. When Iron Eyes stood to speak, she pointed at a painting of Abraham Lincoln — a white man who had been responsible for the oppression of her ancestors. Why, she asked, should she trust Pelosi to deliver justice for her people? Iron Eyes sat down crying.


“Greta put her arm around her and sat with her,” said Henn, who was at the meeting. Then when it came time for the group to take a picture with Pelosi — “which is clearly what [Pelosi] was looking for” — Thunberg refused, preferring to stay and comfort Iron Eyes.

She “wasn’t really interested in being in this photo with the Speaker of the House, which made, of course, her staff incredibly angry at me,” Henn said. Pelosi’s Deputy Chief-of-Staff Drew Hammill said the intention had been to hear from the activists: “The focus was never a photo op and press was not invited.”


In the following weeks, Thunberg road-tripped across the U.S. in an electric car loaned to her by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

She and her father went to a cemetery in Lindstrom, Minnesota, a leafy, lakeside town that calls itself “America’s Little Sweden” — founded in 1894 and named after a Swedish settler called Daniel Lindström. There the neat, well-kept graves marked the prosperous lives of people who could have been the Thunbergs’ ancestors.

The pair then drove to South Dakota and joined Iron Eyes at the Pine Ridge Reservation

Get ready . . .

Thunberg was struck by the contrast — by the disparity between two communities living at exactly the same time that was still playing out more than a century later. In a book coming out in the fall, according to someone familiar with the text, Thunberg says this 24-hour period gave her a new perspective on the world; one that she struggled to accept.

To be sure, things have shifted in the era of Greta.

Truer words have never been printed.

Many young people who had responded to Thunberg’s childlike demand for a fair future, drifted away when the movement started examining what fairness would really require. “We are fully aware that we’re not millions on the streets” anymore, said Lasota, the Polish activist.

Solutions include a demand for “climate reparations.” That involves handing back land to indigenous communities and transferring wealth and political power from the richest countries that caused climate change to those that will bear the brunt.

Thunberg did not want to be interviewed for this article — which is really the point, as POLITICO was reminded bluntly . . .

VP Harris Declares That, Unlike Hillary, She’s Tired

And That, Jimmy, Is How Your Body Works

The process of ribosome repair is visualized here as a factory assembly line that recognizes a damaged ribosome, and then repairs it via exchange. Credit: Youngeun Jung, Ph.D., The Wertheim UF Scripps Institute.

Oh, and that’s a natural attraction to your teacher.

Straight Line of the Day: Help a Brother Out! Give Biden an Accomplishment He Can Cite

Biden Reelection Video Fails To Mention a Single First-Term Accomplishment
breitbart.com | 25 Apr 2023 | Joel B. Pollak

President Joe Biden launched his reelection bid on Tuesday with the release of a new video that fails to name a single achievement in his first term — nor any plan for what he might hope to achieve in his second term.

And took no questions from the press. None of which is a surprise.

Welcome to IMAO! The Ammo or the Girl?

Cartoons and Memes

“Good morning Miss Monroe, long time.”

“Yes sir but we are getting a backlog on that nice Mr. Slapout’s memes so we have to clear them out.”

“Needs must I suppose. What else do you have?”

“Last week’s winners, we had another tie.”

Good Golly!”



What’s on tap for this week.


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Military Officer To Fellow Warrior Checking Rank Insignia: “My Eyes Are Up Here, Mister!”

You Can’t Do Science Without a Smartphone

“Nose Marker Vertical Position”? Heh.

Now you know the rigorous testing procedure that interns must undergo. (Walrus never explained why the 45-degree angle is Oppotimum.)

That guy in image D has gone into A-fib.

Overheated Male Model Dies of Thirst in Botched Bottled Water Ad

Straight Line of the Day: Lines You’d Give the New York Governor for $2 Million: …

Hochul Spent $2 Million on Outside Ghostwriters for State of the State Addresses: Report
NY Post | 4/15/2023 | Rich Calder

Gov. Kathy Hochul reportedly authorized payment of nearly $2 million in taxpayer money for outside ghostwriters to help draft her State of the State speeches.

Most of the money was paid to Deloitte Consulting and the Boston Consulting Group to help the state’s first female governor shape her vision, according to the New York Times.

Hochul’s office shelled out $871,000 on three outside firms to help prepare this year’s speech – with Boston Consulting Group racking up the largest amount of $838,000 for what it listed in records as “SOS support.”

Representatives for three of Hochul’s predecessors — fellow Democrats Andrew Cuomo and David Paterson and Republican George Pataki — told the outlet they never paid for outside help to prepare for the annual address typically made each January.