Zzyzx Declares It’s Spring in Alaska: Only 10 Below, and the Grizzlies Are Emerging


    • Thanks for replying, sir. We were worried about you. And thanks for your service!

      Some of us have strolled on beaches already in t-shirts. But then, we have more psycho gangland killers to watch out for, being totally disarmed in liberal states, than Alaska ever will.

      Trade-off. Playing the odds.

      • I’d say most everyone up here has a firearm of some sort and in most cases several of them. No permit required open and concealed carry is allowed and that helps keep most people polite towards each other. You can carry a loaded weapon in your personal vehicle although if stopped for a traffic violation you are requested to notify the officer of it’s presence in your vehicle. I won’t say we have no crime up here but it’s no where close to what it is in the lower forty eight.

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