Woke University Decides To Remove “Critical” From “Critical Thinking,” To Spare People’s Feelings

Students Also Cautioned Against Discriminating Between Good Choices and Bad Choices

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F-MIC Cleansing!

Biden Quietly Creates New “Disinformation Office” to Arrest Americans for Fake News

en-volve.com | 5/8/2023

A new “disinformation office” has been quietly established by the Biden administration. This office will have the authority to arrest and prosecute citizens of the United States who publish content online that is deemed to be “false” by so-called fact checkers.

According to the announcement made by Director Avril Haines on Thursday, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) has established a new office to oversee the efforts being made by the intelligence community to combat “disinformation” in the United States.

Haines made the announcement during a hearing with the Senate Armed Services Committee. The Foreign Malign Influence Center (FMIC) will be focused not only on “foreign malign influence” aimed at U.S. elections, but also on “public opinion within the United States.”

Haines declared, “Congress put into law that we should establish a foreign malign influence center in the intelligence community. We stood that up . . .

??? Is Harris on this task force?

and it encompasses our election threat executive work essentially looking at foreign influence and interference in elections, and deals with disinformation more generally”.


Haines said the FMIC would work with the State Department’s Global Engagement Center (GEC) to fulfill its mission, which the Twitter Files revealed works as a malicious censorship arm of the federal government.

The Founding Fathers groan in heaven.

So, which MoonNuker is going to go to jail for content deemed to be false?

Sure as hell ain’t gonna be me! I print only the truth.

Straight Line of the Day: If Trump — Not Always A Great Judge of Personnel — Picks You as His VP Running Mate…

Welcome to IMAO! We’re Not Paying You To Slow Down and Look at Each Other!

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