Ballast From the Past

Tomorrow night at this same Bat time, I’m going to revive a charming feature called “Open Thread,” where you can post any stray thoughts you have, which aren’t constrained to any subject.

Not that it’s necessary, because you already range free, making comments on any subject, any time, anywhere.

But you’ve been warned. The clock is ticking. Get your affairs in order.

Literary Interlude

A long excerpt, but — it could as easily have been written today.

Liberal Charles Dickens – even liberal Charles Dickens — could not stand useless thugs.

This is from an article called “The Ruffian” in his collection (“The Uncommercial Traveller”) of essays he wrote for his own magazine in 1860-1861.

(The boldfacing is mine, not his.)

Notice he also objected to calling things by “euphonious names.”

I entertain so strong an objection to the euphonious softening of Ruffian into Rough, which has lately become popular, that I restore the right word to the heading of this paper; the rather, as my object is to dwell upon the fact that the Ruffian is tolerated among us to an extent that goes beyond all unruffianly endurance. I take the liberty to believe that if the Ruffian besets my life, a professional Ruffian at large in the open streets of a great city, notoriously having no other calling than that of Ruffian, and of disquieting and despoiling me as I go peacefully about my lawful business, interfering with no one, then the Government under which I have the great constitutional privilege, supreme honour and happiness, and all the rest of it, to exist, breaks down in the discharge of any Government’s most simple elementary duty.

It is to the saving up of the Ruffian class by the Magistracy and Police—to the conventional preserving of them, as if they were Partridges—that their number and audacity must be in great part referred. Why is a notorious Thief and Ruffian ever left at large? He never turns his liberty to any account but violence and plunder, he never did a day’s work out of gaol, he never will do a day’s work out of gaol. As a proved notorious Thief he is always consignable to prison for three months. When he comes out, he is surely as notorious a Thief as he was when he went in. Then send him back again. ‘Just Heaven!’ cries the Society for the protection of remonstrant Ruffians. ‘This is equivalent to a sentence of perpetual imprisonment!’ Precisely for that reason it has my advocacy. I demand to have the Ruffian kept out of my way, and out of the way of all decent people. I demand to have the Ruffian employed, perforce, in hewing wood and drawing water somewhere for the general service, instead of hewing at her Majesty’s subjects and drawing their watches out of their pockets. If this be termed an unreasonable demand, then the tax-gatherer’s demand on me must be far more unreasonable, and cannot be otherwise than extortionate and unjust.

It will be seen that I treat of the Thief and Ruffian as one. I do so, because I know the two characters to be one, in the vast majority of cases, just as well as the Police know it. (As to the Magistracy, with a few exceptions, they know nothing about it but what the Police choose to tell them.) There are disorderly classes of men who are not thieves; as railway-navigators, brickmakers, wood-sawyers, costermongers. These classes are often disorderly and troublesome; but it is mostly among themselves, and at any rate they have their industrious avocations, they work early and late, and work hard. The generic Ruffian—honourable member for what is tenderly called the Rough Element—is either a Thief, or the companion of Thieves. When he infamously molests women coming out of chapel on Sunday evenings (for which I would have his back scarified often and deep) it is not only for the gratification of his pleasant instincts, but that there may be a confusion raised by which either he or his friends may profit, in the commission of highway robberies or in picking pockets. When he gets a police-constable down and kicks him helpless for life, it is because that constable once did his duty in bringing him to justice. When he rushes into the bar of a public-house and scoops an eye out of one of the company there, or bites his ear off, it is because the man he maims gave evidence against him. When he and a line of comrades extending across the footway . . . advance towards me ‘skylarking’ among themselves, my purse or shirt-pin is in predestined peril from his playfulness. Always a Ruffian, always a Thief. Always a Thief, always a Ruffian.

Now, when I, who am not paid to know these things, know them daily on the evidence of my senses and experience; when I know that the Ruffian never jostles a lady in the streets, or knocks a hat off, but in order that the Thief may profit, is it surprising that I should require from those who are paid to know these things, prevention of them?

I Knew It Would Come To This

The Oscar Mayer Wienermobile Is Getting a New Name But It Doesn’t Really Matter Cuz I’ll Always Call It the Wienermobile
Not The Bee | May 18, 2023

American meat maker Oscar Mayer announced Wednesday that it was renaming its world-famous Wienermobile after 87 years.

A new fleet of “Frankmobiles” will hit the streets this week as part of a once-in-a-century rebranding…

The saucy new hot dog-shaped cars will feature new decals that urge hungry passersby to “please do not lick,” as well as Frank Whistles, formerly known as Wiener Whistles.

Straight Line of the Day: Archeologists Have Found Two More Bodies in the 2,000-Year-Old Pompeii Site. These Ones Are Different, Though, Because…

Straight Line of the Day: Archeologists have found two more bodies in the 2,000-year-old Pompeii site. These ones are different, though, because…

Welcome to IMAO! There’s Always One Weird Employee Who Flouts Our “No Wall Decorations / No Electric Trash Cans” Policy

Cartoons and Memes

Hi guys. My first day here and I get thrown in the deep end. Looks like Miss Welch is going off on vacation for awhile so I’m filling in for her. Mr. Walrus is supposedly going off on vacation as well. Purely coincidence I’m sure. I do have some notes here to get me through so I hope I pull it off. Let us start with last week’s winner and then on to the new entries. There is also a note here that voting will last until May 31st So vote early and often as they say!



This fortnight’s entries.











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