Friday Night Open Thread

If you’ve got an expunge-worthy comment, here is a place to make it.

Not the place, but a place.

Straight Line of the Day: Why Are Orcas Suddenly on a Rampage?

Orcas Have Sunk 3 Boats in Europe and Appear to Be Teaching Others to Do the Same. But Why?
LiveScience | 5/20 | Sascha Pare

Orcas have attacked and sunk a third boat off the Iberian coast of Europe, and experts now believe the behavior is being copied by the rest of the population.

Three orcas (Orcinus orca), also known as killer whales, struck the yacht on the night of May 4 in the Strait of Gibraltar, off the coast of Spain, and pierced the rudder. “There were two smaller and one larger orca,” skipper Werner Schaufelberger told the German publication Yacht(opens in new tab). “The little ones shook the rudder at the back while the big one repeatedly backed up and rammed the ship with full force from the side.”

Schaufelberger said he saw the smaller orcas imitate the larger one. “The two little orcas observed the bigger one’s technique and, with a slight run-up, they too slammed into the boat.” Spanish coast guards rescued the crew and towed the boat to Barbate, but it sank at the port entrance.

Welcome to IMAO! How To Recognize a Bad Sign When You Walk Into the HR Office

Left side of desk: complaints against you. Right side of desk: your accomplishments.

“I only have a wall decoration as an example of what is not allowed. Sit down.”

Friday Classic Funny

Hi guys, me again. Is this some kind of usual thing around here? First Miss Welch goes on vacation and now Miss Derek is away as well. And she didn’t leave me much to work with. Luckily Miss Harris sent me a Marty Robbins song that for some reason does not get any airplay these days. I don’t think it takes much to wonder why. So, enjoy.