We Didn’t Start To Fire

Hairy women, Night is day, China balloons on their way
South Pacific — total FUBAR — Joe Dementio

Melissa McCarthy’s now a vixen, sue your baker, Kamalavision
North Korea’s South Korea: no borders, dontchaknow?

Insect burgers, F-bombs, Chigger wheat, Banned middle class
Brandon, “My Kink and I” in a kitchen with no gas

Mandated vaccines, drama scenes with drag queens
Library Liberaces, sanity goodbye!

We didn’t start defiled
But it’s all uncanny
Since the world turned tranny
We didn’t start reviled
It took Bud to Light it
But we tried to fight it

Joseph Biden, mumbling, nasty, stumbling
Black Ops, CornPop, Communist Barak

Hunter ain’t no Einstein, pervier than Weinstein
Epstein suicide “watched around the clock”

Separate rules for elites, Rambos winning women’s meets
Deep pocket Peter Pans, Groomers, Zoomers, Disneyland

Porno, Pedo pests, Tazers, lasers
Clap on the erasers

We didn’t start defiled
It is all uncanny
Since the world turned tranny
We didn’t start the choir
It took Bud to Light it
But we tried to fight it

Little Rock Arkancide, Mickey’s mental, homos’ side,
No one cares that Feds have lied; infamy, infanticide

Air Force stairways fail, propped up on the news tonight
Press corps compromised? Children of the Lid don’t mind.

Dylan perversion, ImBev inversion

Woke enrollment, color wars . . . I can’t take it anymore!


  1. I’ve always liked parody songs. I’ve done a few, like Kim Jong-IL and nukes. “The blast will be so bright, you gotta wear shades.”

    and I did 20+ verses documenting Hillary Clintons political career to “Pop Goes the Weasel”

    • I wish you’d post some here. (Or, if there’s no opportunity, you can email them to Oppo or Walrus, and they can get posted as a stand-alone post.) It’s a gift to be able to see alternate readings in songs or poems. And if you’ve got it, flaunt it . . .

      That goes for the rest of you.

      • Here’s some, I have a few more in scattered places. (Pop Goes the Weasel)
        Hillary’s career. I never got around to ordering them chronologically as I wanted to do.
        It was fun to do over some time.

        Round and round the political stump,
        Lib donors heard her pleas, so
        Trying to cure her money woes,
        POP! Goes the weasel

        round and round with push polls slick
        Huma toils and labors
        Hoping she will be the trick
        Pop, goes the weasel

        Round and round the campaign trail
        Speechmaking for her peoples
        They’re hoping to get close to Bill
        Pop, goes the weasel

        Sec of State in beer goggles,
        she’ll never thread a needle,
        Ne’er had plan, nor vision anyway,
        Pop, goes the Weasel

        Favored to win the ’08 race,
        A champion of the females,
        but Obama was the Chosen One,
        Pop, goes the weasel

        Lewinski caught her husbands eye
        an intern on her knees, “Oh!”
        in the humidor again,
        Pop, goes the weasel

        Scooby van arrives in town
        that’s what was called her vehic’l
        her campaign was the Myst’ry Machine,
        Pop, goes the weasel

        The media asks such tough questions,
        like “What’s your favorite color”
        Hill always answers, “I am Groot”
        Pop, goes the weasel

        working on a healthcare care plan
        more taxes, power, and rules
        couldn’t pre-empt Obamacare
        Pop goes the weasel.

        Benghazi just won’t go away
        She couldn’t save her people
        just what difference anyway
        Pop goes the weasel

        Vince Foster used to be her fun
        when Bill had his own stable
        Then he had to eat a gun
        Pop goes the weasel

        Iran had some WMD’s
        the Senator proclaimed, tho’
        She knew she could blame Bush again
        Pop Goes the weasel

        Ken Starr and then perjury
        Old Bill plied and wheedled
        Played Good wife, bought a Senate seat
        Pop Goes the weasel

        Didn’t trust Gov IT guys
        set up her own email
        said that it was just for fun
        Pop goes the weasel

        Feds found top Secret documents
        That were hidden with her email
        She thought it would just go away
        Pop goes the weasel

        Duck and Dodge, in Bosnia,
        There never was a Sniper,
        another big lie, (EVERYONE!)
        Pop goes the weasel

        Chelsea’s glad they brought Huma along
        It’s like she has two Mommies,
        Add Bill, you have two dips and a Dad,
        Pop Goes the weasel

        First Lady in the Whitehouse slot
        said she was part of the deal,
        “With us, its always 2 for 1”
        Pop goes the weasel.

        America has a choice to make
        To vote for pResident Evil
        Vote for Hillary once, or more.
        Pop! Goes the weasel.

  2. I have to get back to the parody song myself but just haven’t been pushed by Euterpe lately. Although I have had some thought on Walk on the wild side and Biden corruption.

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