Das Original! Schmeckt!

Get used to it under Democrats.

The British Call Government Plans “Schemes.” Sounds About Right

London Mayor’s Transport Team Bans Whites from Internships
National Pulse | May 23, 2023 | Jake Welch

Transport for London (TFL) – the government arm responsible for travel across Britain’s capital city – has banned white people from applying to internships. The organization – whose chairman is London Mayor Sadiq Khan – now only accepts applications from only ethnic minorities.

The organization’s website states, to apply to the Stuart Ross Communications Internship, “you must be of Black, Asian and minority ethnic background, defined as having some African, Afro-Caribbean, Asian or other non-white heritage.”

The Stuart Ross Internship has been excluding “non-whites” for a number of years already, with many graduates of the scheme going on to work in a number of industries including local government and the Metropolitan Police.

The Ministry of Silly Wokes

If At First You Don’t Succeed . . .

“What we have here is a failure of Commutergate.”

7 Years After Obama Commuted His Life Sentence, Alton Mills Shot, Gravely Wounded Woman on Chicago Expressway: Prosecutors
cwbchicago.com | May 19, 2023

Editor’s note: On May 20, 2023, the Cook County medical examiner’s office stated that the woman has died. The agency identified her as Linda Chattman, 39, of Chicago.

Alton Mills, a 54-year-old man whose federal life sentence was commuted by President Barack Obama in 2015, now faces the potential of another life sentence after officials accused him of shooting and gravely wounding a woman on an expressway in suburban Chicago this week.

Mills was held without bail by Judge Thomas Carroll during a bond hearing on Tuesday. Prosecutors told Carroll that the woman Mills allegedly shot was brain dead. She was not expected to survive.

In 1994, Mills received a life sentence for trafficking cocaine because the crime was his third felony conviction, even though neither of his previous convictions resulted in prison time. After Obama commuted his sentence, his defense attorney said this week, Mills went to work for the Chicago Transit Authority. He also campaigned to eliminate mandatory minimum sentencing.

Shortly after receiving clemency, Mills spoke at a U.S. Senate criminal justice forum at the invitation of Sen. Dick Durbin. At the time, Durbin said Mills was “an overlooked casualty in our ‘war on drugs.’”

“The life story of Chicagoan Alton Mills shows why we need to pass the #FirstStepAct,” Durbin tweeted three years after Mills’ release. “Alton, who received a pardon from President Obama in 2015, was destined to spend his life in prison. He’s now a contributing member of society. #cjreform”

. . .

Mills’ car didn’t move when the light turned green, so the Explorer’s driver pulled around and passed without screaming or honking, according to Morrissey. She said Mills sped to catch up to the Explorer, pulled up next to them, and fired shots from his driver’s window.

Willie Horton Hears a “Who?”

Why Have I Never Heard of This U.S. Representative From Florida Before?

Why would the media have a total news blackout on Rep. Anna Paulina Luna?

Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna Puts Forward Resolution to Kick Adam Schiff Out of Congress
The DailyBeat | May 22, 2023

On May 17, Rep. Anna Paulina Luna introduced a resolution to kick Rep. Adam Schiff out of Congress.

Straight Line of the Day: The Big Disadvantage That Disadvantaged People Have Is…

Welcome to IMAO! “You, Me, And Trash Can Makes Three!”

“Hey, are we shrinking, or is our trash can growing?? Well, I’m off to IMAO. Try to stay faithful today!”

“OK, Mr. 49!!”

“Here’s hoping that no one throws another rock through one of our window panes, Pumpkin! A hearty handshake good-bye!!”

Caption This! Vacation Edition