Friday Night Open Thread

And now for the Airing of the Grievances.

… or anything else.

Photo Essay: Old School

“OK, kids, this is NOT an Ipad.”

“Push Reset.”

Hunter Biden Enters 12-Step Program; Father, Joe, Trips On 11 of Them

Promoted Comment: How To Defend Yourself Against a 95-Year-Old Woman Terrorist

Thanks to Scotty T:

You put a loose soft taco with steak, cheese, peppers and onions down in front of her.

No one can

(a) resist that taco,

(b) eat a loose taco and

(c) hold a knife while tightening up that taco.

She puts the knife down, you ask her if she is golfing Wednesday, then move in while she has that “What’s wrong with you, boy?” look.


Renewable Chuckle (Part 2)

Man, those Scotlanders are all up in the face of renewables. Guess you could call it “junk” science.

Study: Recycling is Actually Bad for the Environment
Hotair | 05/25/2023 | Jazz Shaw

Here’s something many of you probably suspected, but now there’s even more scientific data to back it up. A new study from the University of Strathclyde in Scotland has determined that recycling is not only failing to “save the planet” as we’ve long been promised, but it’s arguably producing a net harmful effect on both the environment and human health.

. . . And recycling really doesn’t work as advertised to begin with. (per Free Beacon)

“Contrary to what climate activists have claimed for years, plastic recycling is polluting the water and air, a new study has found.

“The peer-reviewed study led by Erina Brown, a plastics scientist at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland, found that up to 13 percent of recycled plastics become microplastics, tiny particles smaller than five millimeters that pollute air and water, if wash water from recycling plants is not filtered. Brown and her team studied wastewater at a mixed plastics recycling facility in the United Kingdom and found it could produce up to 6.5 million pounds of microplastic per year.”

This has been a pet peeve of mine for a while now and there are several layers to this onion. While the government at all levels insists on mandatory recycling programs for both private and business dwellings, it simply doesn’t work for the most part. Shockingly, on average, less than 10% of the plastic material you put in your recycling bin winds up being recycled. It’s really just the larger soda and other beverage bottles that can be reused. The rest goes into landfills and plastic takes a ludicrously long time to decompose.

Renewable Chuckle (Part 1)

Dozens of Giant Turbines at Scots Windfarms Powered by Diesel Generators
Sunday Mail | 5 Feb 2023 | John Ferguson

Scottish Power admitted 71 of its windmills were hooked up to the fossil fuel supply after a fault developed with their power supply.

Dozens of giant turbines on Scotland’s windfarms have been powered by diesel generators, the Sunday Mail can reveal. Scottish Power admitted 71 of its windmills were hooked up to the fossil fuel supply after a fault developed on the grid.

The firm said it was forced to act in order to keep the turbines warm during very cold weather in December. But a whistleblower has told the Sunday Mail the incident is among a number of environmental and health and safety failings.

The worker, who asked to remain anonymous, said: “The Scottish Government wants to make our country attractive to foreign investors as 40 per cent of the wind that blows across Europe blows across Scotland. However, that should not mean we put up with our waterways and nature being polluted with carbon from diesel generators and hydraulic oil.”


“People should be aware that, while their energy costs continue to rise, our windfarms are not operating as efficiently as they could be due to corporate greed.”

Labour’s South Scotland MSP Colin Smyth said: “The SNP and Greens have proven time and time again they cannot be trusted on environmental issues. They laud Scotland’s potential for renewables, yet don’t appear to ensure those already in existence are properly run. This isn’t the first problem raised about this site and there is concern at a lack of openness when problems arise.

“Whatever the reasons, having to use diesel generators to de-ice faulty turbines is environmental madness. This level of dishonesty cuts to the very core of the SNP and Green Government where their rhetoric on net zero is very different from the reality.”

Sixty turbines at Arecleoch Wind farm and 11 at Glenn App near Cairnrayn in South Ayrshire were affacted and connected to six huge diesel generators. The windfarms are operated by Scottish Power Renewables, a subsidiary of Spanish-based Iberdrola, which operates 1183 onshore turbines which can produce enough electricity to power two million homes.

But the whistleblower revealed how they had to bring in generators after the issue was discovered.

The worker said: “During December 60 turbines at Arecleoch and 11 at Glenn App were de-energised due to a cabling fault originating at Mark Hill wind farm. In order to get these turbines re-energised diesel generators were running for upwards of six hours a day.

He also claimed there had been other technical issues and environmental problems discovered. They include:

Turbines left operating on half power for long periods due to faulty convertor modules.

Others in “test mode” where they take rather than contribute electricity to the grid.

Over 4000 litres of oil leaked from hydraulic units on turbines and sprayed over the countryside.

Concerns about safety standards and transparency.

The whistleblower said: “Turbines are regularly offline due to faults where they are taking energy from the grid rather than producing it, and also left operating on half power for long periods due to parts which haven’t been replaced.

“Dirty hydraulic oil is also regularly being sprayed out across the Scottish countryside due to cracks in mechanisms. Safety standards have not improved since a worker was killed in 2017 at Kilgallioch wind farm.”

We revealed last year how the chairman of ScottishPower, Spaniard Ignacio Galan, earned over £11million in 2021. He took home the massive package as millions of customers face being plunged into poverty by rocketing fuel costs.

A spokesman for Scottish Power confirmed diesel generators were used for a “short period of time” due to an “external fault on the GB network” which left three windfarms unable to operate during extreme cold weather in December.


F’ing Suckers.

Straight Line of the Day: A New Senior Scam: …

Got this in my email:

Senior scams are fraudulent activities that target senior citizens with the aim of stealing their money or personal information. These scams can be in the form of phone calls, emails and even door-to-door sales pitches. Common types of senior scams include:
Medicare or healthcare fraud: Scammers pretend to be healthcare providers or representatives of Medicare to obtain personal information or sell fake medical products.

Investment scams: Scammers offer fake investment opportunities that promise high returns in a short period, often requiring upfront payments or personal information.

Sweepstakes and lottery scams: Scammers claim that the victim has won a large sum of money but must pay a processing fee or provide personal information to claim the prize.

Tech support scams: Scammers pose as technical support representatives and convince the victim to pay for unnecessary software or services.

Grandparent scams: Scammers pretend to be a grandchild in trouble and request immediate financial assistance.

Straight Line of the Day: A new Senior scam: …

Welcome to IMAO, the Printed Version

“And then Raquel says, ‘Here are some memes from that nice Mr. Slapout.’ See Raquel?”

Caption This! Vacation Edition

Salute to Those Who Pay School Taxes in Chesterfield, Missouri

Regarding that guy who try to drive through a White House barricade:

According to the papers citing this [illegal alien] foreigner, he said he put 6 months of planning into trying to carry out a coup with an empty Uhaul truck rented in Herndon, Virginia, and a freshly purchased Nazi flag. Did he believe he had Rambo in the back, or a team of ninja turtles? Where did this 19 year old get the money to buy an airline ticket to the Washington area? Did he have a job?

He planned, somehow, so these papers have been told, to get past the Marine Guards, the Secret Service, and Kamala Harris in order to install himself as President of the US.

This does not say much about the education he received in Marquette Senior High in Chesterfield, Missouri, if they gave him a diploma last year. Whoever graded his stuff should have their head examined.

Unless he has a brain tumor or a sudden onset of mental illness, or has taken some powerful drugs.

The whole story is quite possibly the dumbest plot I have ever heard of…. and this comes from some high school grad with an interest in computing? How much time was he even in school? Is he that dumb due to isolation during covid? Did they pass him just to get rid of him?

… “Sai Varshith Kandula, from the St Louis suburb of Chesterfield, Missouri, graduated from Marquette Senior High School in 2022, according to the Rockwood School District. …”