Only One Girl Showers Him With Praise

Oh, So That’s Who Americans Will Blame for a Debt Default
Townhall | 05/25/2023 | Spencer Brown

In continuing bad news for Biden as he looks toward 2024, Fox News’ poll also found that

44 percent of Americans view the president as “corrupt,”

53 percent say he “doesn’t care” about Americans, and

57 percent say he is not “honest and trustworthy.”

When it comes to his job in general,

59 percent of Americans say Biden lacks the “judgment to serve as president effectively” and

60 percent believe Biden does not have “the mental soundness” to be commander in chief.

Joe Biden Celebrates Memorial Day Weekend with Second-Lowest Approval Rating of His Presidency
Breitbart | 05/27/2023 | Wendell Husebo

President Joe Biden will celebrate Memorial Day weekend with the second-lowest approval rating of his presidency, according to Gallup polling from Friday.

Amid pressure to raise the debt ceiling during budget negotiations, just 39 percent of Americans approve of Biden, only two percentage points higher than his personal low recorded last month and in March of last year, when just 37 percent approved.


  1. “Joe Biden Celebrates Memorial Day Weekend

    This is directed at the writer of the headline, not Biden, but one does not “celebrate” Memorial Day. One can observe or commemorate the day, but celebrating is downright disrespectful. If there are not at least a few moments of somber reflection, even tears, then you have missed the entire point of the holiday.

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