Ballast From the Past

Tomorrow night at this same Bat time, I’m going to revive a charming feature called “Open Thread,” where you can post any stray thoughts you have, which aren’t constrained to any subject.

Not that it’s necessary, because you already range free, making comments on any subject, any time, anywhere.

But you’ve been warned. The clock is ticking. Get your affairs in order.


  1. Okay. I’m confused. Is this an open thread, or is a thread that we can only discuss open threads? Is this some meta mind game designed to confuse the already muddled population of IMAO thread contributors? No there’s levels. Must be. It could be a thread topic farming tool as walruskkkch suggested.

    Now what other levels are possible? Hmmm…

    Are you collecting sensitive information from unsuspecting IMAO patrons for later use in pyramid scheme marketing?

    Do you have a personal file server farm that you’ll looking to fill so you can get a little extra kick in your paycheck?

    Do you have to watch your brother-in-laws’ kids on the weekends and so you’re going to make them check the posts for spelling errors so that you can continue sit on your porch and shake your cane at the neighbors uninterrupted?

    You’re programming the world’s least intelligent AI system to deploy and corrupt any other AI system that ever gets too uppity?

    You’re going to send the logs to the Chinese and argue there’s no sense in making IMAO a target for the theft of IP?

    You were asked to give the FBI some busy work to burn through any left over budgetary funds so that they can continue to ask for a budget increase next year?

    It’s said that if you give a million monkeys a million type writers they will eventually produce the works of famous poets so you figure you can at least get a half decent tri-fold pamphlet on the side effects of drug use out of us?

  2. Affairs in order …. let’s see……..
    Diane was definitely first. Then the Johnson twins, followed by Pattie, I think. Was Barbara next or was it Ava? Gosh, this is tougher than I thought it would be.

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