Bear News

Man Who Crashed Into Bear While Biking in Canada ‘Glad To Be Alive’
NY Post ^ | 05/21/2023 | Isabel Keane

A Canadian man T-boned a black bear while biking through a conservation reserve — suffering a fractured scapula, cardiac contusion and bruised ribs, among other injuries.

Kevin Milner, 30, of North Vancouver, British Columbia, was rounding a corner and heading downhill in the Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve there Tuesday when he spotted the bear — and tried to cruise around him.

“The second I made that decision, he decided to run and he ran right across the road, right in front of me and I smashed into him right behind his shoulder blade,” Milner told North Shore News.

“I did a flip over him. I pretty much kissed the bear and then I guess I flew through the air.”

Milner landed hard on his side, while the bear took off through the woods.

Passing cyclists immediately stopped and helped him. Two women cyclists concerned about his condition rode toward the edge of the reserve to get enough cell reception to call 911, while a third bystander who had been riding an e-bike stayed with Milner.

But the next arrival wasn’t an ambulance or EMS — it was the same bear Milner had just plowed into.


  1. Edited for realism:

    “Two women cyclists concerned about his condition rode toward the edge of the reserve and kept going and didn’t stop until they got home and had wine coolers and a cheese board.”

  2. In public school they always said to look for the bears arms and always go to the right..we had to write in our books over and over..”right to bear arms…right to bear arms..”

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