Bye, Croakey!

NSW Police Suspend Officer Who Tasered Grandmother, 95 (Australia)
1News New Zealand | 5/23/2023 | Andrew Macfarlane

New South Wales Police have suspended the officer

[with pay?]

who tasered a 95-year-old grandmother, causing her to fall to the ground and hit her head.

Clare Nowland is now in end-of-life care after being tasered. Police were called to the rest home where she lives, as she wouldn’t drop a steak knife. She lives with dementia…

… and, she passed away.

The only question is, why didn’t the cops call in more backup and go all Rodney King on her?


    • A J6 cop shot an unarmed woman. Unarmed. He could see she was unarmed.

      And a female Capitol Police cop beat a woman to death with a hardened stick, in the alleyway to the Capitol. When the woman stopped moving, the cop beat her some more. And more. The victim died.

      Both are still on the job, collecting pay and praise. I think the trigger-man even got a commendation medal.

  1. No, in Canada you put a loose soft taco with steak, cheese, peppers and onions down in front of her. No one can a) resist that taco b) eat a loose taco and c) hold a knife while tightening up that taco.
    She puts the knife down, you ask her if she is golfing Wednesday, then move in while she has that whats wrong with you boy look….

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