Friday Night Open Thread

If you’ve got an expunge-worthy comment, here is a place to make it.

Not the place, but a place.


  1. I don’t feel right being first to comment in an “open thread” blogsphere like this with so many incredibly intelligent, clever and well spoken regular commenters. I will keep still until others have preceded so I may take guidance.

  2. Shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey’s uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There’s pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that’s about it.

  3. I think they should train AI to analyze all the news, every source and it will listen to the main street media..and politicians, and right while they say something wrong…it honks a horn to interrupt and announces..”Bulls_ _t!”.
    If you do it often enough, they may finally feel some shame..

  4. Story idea- A hitman gets a call from a man who wants him to kill his wife. Later that morning he receives a call from a woman wanting him to kill her husband. Kind of like a twisted retelling of O. Henry’s Gift of the Magi.

  5. Speaking of “expunge-worthy,” among my few near-brushes with greatness was when I met the inventor of the contraceptive sponge, interviewed him a couple of times on the radio. Bruce Vorhauer was running for the US Senate. He was a millionaire, intelligent, personable, seemed like a decent guy. I once asked him about his views on abortion, and he suggested that with advances in contraceptive technology, it would cease to be an issue in the near future. Hmm. Vorhauer killed himself not long afterward, following bankruptcy. Didn’t even live to see Seinfeld’s “Sponge-worthy” episode.

  6. If you’re a MST3k/Rifftrax fan and don’t already know this, Pluto Tv, a free streaming station on most smart tvs, has a 24/7 MST3k channel and a 24/7 Rifftrax channel.

    Also of note, 24/7:
    Dr. Who (all eras)
    Andy Griffith
    Bob Ross

  7. Ok, I need to find someone that designs Memes…I want one where it shows Harry and Meaghan riding in a car, being chased by one papparazzi on a scooter and they have Jussie Smollet as the driver..comedy gold right there..

  8. Oh boy wasn’t this great?!
    I wish we could have open threads for everyday of the week..except Sundays of course. We are all too hungover on Sundays..yes all of us. A person can be hungover from just drinking too much milk or something like I did last night.

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