How Bad Could It Possibly Be Living Under a Police State?

FBI Improperly Used Warrantless Search Powers More Than 278,000 Times in 2021, FISA Court Filing Reveals
Fox News | May 19, 2023 | Brooke Singman

The FBI improperly used warrantless search powers against U.S. citizens more than 278,000 times in the year ending November 2021, according to an unsealed Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) filing.

The court filing, which spanned 127 pages, was unsealed Friday by the FISC, but was filed in April 2022.

“As Director Wray has made clear, the errors described in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court’s opinion are completely unacceptable,” a senior FBI official

The filing released on Friday detailed a number of the improper queries, including a batch query for “over 19,000 donors to a congressional campaign.”

FISA Section 702 is set to sunset on Dec. 31, and lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are proposing reforms in order to reauthorize the section, with more congressional oversight. . . .

. . . against their political enemies.


  1. I would hate to live under a Police State or on top of one.
    Wray: “When I was whizzing through the FBI Academy I met this Hottie Agent that was identifying as a Hottie Female Agent but come to find out she was a Hermie. Needless to say she/he became my Fed Ex.”

  2. So what Wray meant as unacceptable was that they were caught doing 287, 000 warrantless searches. Their going to fix that by making sure no one every finds out about ANY warrantless searches and getting rid of ANY evidence to any warrantless searches. No more conspiracy theories, EVER.

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