Cowboy on Horse Self-Identifies as Female Teenage Centaur — Wins Girls’ High-School Track Trophy Handily

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  1. Related Story:
    California person of gender riding a unicycle rear ended after suddenly merging onto highway with no warning. Claims they identified as a driver of a BMW and are attempting to sue the driver of the other car to pay for new headlights and some other bodywork… and a new unicycle.

  2. Lets face it…if Joe was the crossing guard responsible for getting your kids across the road and safely to school…at this point you would be making a few calls…time to retire..

  3. Now would be the time for these tranny “athletes” to get the Tanya Harding treatment. And when he goes all Nancy Karagin crying “why?!” people can yell at him “because you’re a G-d damn cheater that’s why!”

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