Meanwhile, In Belgium . . .

I typed “News from Belgium” into a browser, and, after a yawn, the computer grudgingly popped this up:

Seven Terror Suspects With Links to IS ‘Deprived of Their Liberty’ in Belgium

Euronews •  Updated: 04/05/2023

Seven people suspected of planning a terror attack in Belgium have been detained, the Federal Prosecutor’s Office announced on Thursday.

“Seven persons were deprived of their liberty and questioned,” the Prosecutor’s Office said in a statement.

Almost all the suspects are Chechen nationals belonging to a group of strong supporters of the so-called Islamic State. Three of them have the Belgian nationality.

The examining magistrate will decide at a later stage whether to bring them before him and possibly issue an arrest warrant. The possible charges are attempted terrorist assassination, participation at the activities of a terrorist group and preparation of a terrorist attack.”

“All of them are suspected of preparing a terrorist attack in Belgium,” the statement also said, adding that the exact target of the planned attack has not yet been determined. 

Gotta love countries without a Bill of Rights. All that’s left to deprive them of (since the Pursuit of Happiness is moot) is Life.

Not that I support terrorists, but these could have been Boy Scouts or altar boys, under these rules.


  1. So after being in custody for an indeterminate amount of time, they might get arrested. This probably doesn’t seem unreasonable to those prosecuting the Jan. 6 protestors.

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