Promoted Comment: How To Defend Yourself Against a 95-Year-Old Woman Terrorist

Thanks to Scotty T:

You put a loose soft taco with steak, cheese, peppers and onions down in front of her.

No one can

(a) resist that taco,

(b) eat a loose taco and

(c) hold a knife while tightening up that taco.

She puts the knife down, you ask her if she is golfing Wednesday, then move in while she has that “What’s wrong with you, boy?” look.



  1. This one actually happened…guys all jacked up and wants to rip everyones head off..not going to go into a cell without a fight. I tell him I got two balogna sandwiches and I will give him one if he goes into the cell. Anger is all over, calmly goes in and we share my lunch…True Canadian Fact…

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