Refresh My Memory: Have They Ever NOT Raised the Debt Ceiling?

Biden Caves, He and Speaker McCarthy List Points of Agreement, Take Possibility of Default off the Table
Red State | 05/22/2023 | Nick Arama

It sounds like President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy have resolved one crucial point on the debt negotiations. They’ve reached the most important agreement — they will avoid a default and take that option off the table.

They came together to list their points of agreement:

JUST IN: Pres. Biden outlines agreements and pain points in ongoing debt ceiling negotiations with House Speaker McCarthy: “We both agree default’s not really on the table. We’ve got to get something done here.”

What the hell are Pain Points? By definition, won’t “something” be done?


  1. Woo hoo! The bank came through! We can buy that car, we just have to live in it cause we lost the house….and the car payment is cheaper than rent or a mortgage payment..

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