S-O-B Story

Celebration Marks Completion of $1.2 Billion NBAF Lab for Studying Animal-to-Human Pathogens
kansasreflector.com | 5/24/2023 | Tim Carpenter

One-of-a-kind U.S. research facility to advance

(what they laughingly call)

testing, vaccines against global threats

But first, before getting to the news, a long sob story before we tell you how the government’s going to create and release the next version of Covid:

MANHATTAN — National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility researcher Lisa Hensley’s career took her from laboratory to laboratory and country to country to study the alphabet soup of ghastly pathogens such as SARs, monkeypox, MERs and Marburg.

[which they probably also released]

But she said an Ebola outbreak in the West Africa country of Liberia brought home what it meant to be in a country with a health-care system overwhelmed by a disease carrying a high mortality rate, without readily available treatment and vaccination options, and complicated by distorted public attitudes about the threat.


“Their reactions were across the board,” Hensley said. “There were a lot of people who just didn’t even believe in Ebola.

Science deniers! Do you have their names?

Thought it was something the government was doing. When I went to set up the lab, I remember the people didn’t ever want to take anything from my hands. There was this fear.”


She said the lone treatment facility in Liberia’s capitol couldn’t keep pace with the sick and dying. People driving the ill to a hospital or burying the dead became targets of infection. In other parts of the nation, treatment centers were attacked by skeptics who didn’t believe the virus was naturally occurring.

Insert boilerplate from last 5,000 years of interviews with teachers:

“I love teaching. I love educating. I love the opportunity to explain to the public the great potential we have to have positive impact,” Hensley said in an interview. “There’s just growing recognition of how vulnerable we are on the ag side. What excites me, what brings me joy, is making a difference.”


The disease agents stored at Plum Island will be gradually transported to Manhattan by methods that officials said couldn’t be disclosed publicly. A range of inspections based on federal and international standards must be completed to assure systems protecting public health functioned properly before operating NBAF a full power perhaps in late 2024, Clavijo said.

I feel all reassured and fuzzy and running a bit of a fever.

Top. Men.

In advance of the ribbon-cutting ceremony, NBAF researchers offered reporters a tour of laboratories packed with equipment, animal holding areas void of livestock

Yup — sounds just like a government project.

… as well as sophisticated facilities relied upon to protect the public from pathogens.

Uh-huh. Don’t question our sophistication or our reliance, or our reliance on sophistication! Sophistication-reliance-deniers!

Livestock used in experiments — such as Holstein steers — would be moved inside a facility that resembled more of a hospital than a barn.

They’re absolutely loving the care and treatment they’re given!

Animals …

… like dissenters —

… would temporarily reside in containment rooms until euthanized.


Air pressure controls in laboratories and hallways help seal work spaces from the outside world, a football field of filter equipment scrubs indoor air and carcasses of animals used in research undergo sterilization in autoclaves before

— in Dr. Strangelove’s voice —

incinerated. There are a series of fluid decontamination tanks, or pressure cookers, to deal with liquid waste from laboratories. Watery fluids also would undergo treatment by the city.

Tell me more about those “watery fluids.”

And is “treatment by the city” like the treatment that black teens get from the city of Chicago, or that sidewalks get from the city of San Francisco?

And now, to piss off you greenies:

Electrical power to NBAF comes from seven 2,000 megawatt generators with sufficient power to serve 15,000 homes. Enough paint was used on the NBAF project to cover 69 acres of ground. Electric wire at NBAF could stretch 850 miles to New Orleans. The concrete poured during construction could shape a sidewalk covering the 300 miles from Manhattan to Oklahoma City.

Portions of the federal research structure were designed to withstand an EF-5 tornado or equivalent of a car flying into the building at 92 mph.

They have flying cars?

Driven by any particular fanatical sect?


  1. When every major man made catastrophe ends with the words “But we only had the best of intent!”

    You begin to realize that Hayek was right.

    “The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design” – Friedrich Hayek

  2. Only 300 miles from Manhattan to OK City? Damn, my geography was way off.

    “The disease agents stored at Plum Island will be gradually transported to Manhattan by methods that officials said couldn’t be disclosed publicly.” In other words, they plan to infect agents with diseases and then have them take public transportation.

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