Stop Reading IMAO!

Stop it.

Now that IMAO has surpassed AOC’s Philosophical Tight T-Shirt Essays and Kamala Harris’s Ecumenical (Gulp) Debates as the most-visited website on the planet, it has garnered unwonted — and unwanted — attention from the authorities. And it will garner more, if our commenters have any say. And they do.

So, stop clicking on it, teenage boys! And teenage girls! Who don’t send photos! Leave it to us meaningful adults, to have meaningful discussions without the tender ministrations of FBI agents or their bots. We already have one.

In a word, as our president would say: “e-i-g-h.”


  1. I am not entirely convinced that we actually are being monitored. If we were really under surveillance, don’t you think the Emu would be on the Ten Most Wanted list by now?

    Sure, there are probably a big group of skeevy G-men who drop by to ogle the interns, but I don’t think they are here under any official capacity.

  2. If today’s youth don’t learn about irreverent political humor in a nurturing environment such as IMAO, then they are going to exposed to it in the streets, from Wokesters who don’t have their best interests (or any interest in nuking the moon) at heart. I say we welcome the next generation and and teach them that highbrow dreams sometimes need to chased through lowbrow memes.

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