Straight Line of the Day: Oh, Yeah — That Coronation of King Charles. So How Did That Affect Your Life?

Didn’t we kick one of those to the curb?


  1. Straight Line of the Day: Oh, Yeah — That Coronation of King Charles. So How Did That Affect Your Life.

    It didn’t.
    But I heard the new king wants millions
    ( in Euros, as in euro bout to be screwed all of you English Citizens) in reparations for all the kings that have been beheaded, etc.

  2. Oh, Yeah — That Coronation of King Charles. So How Did That Affect Your Life?

    I am deeply grateful for the wonderful folks that kicked King George and his cohorts out of the Colonies back in the 1770s.

  3. Of all the people they could get to be the new king, I am really disappointed that it was Charles. Have you ever heard him even try to sing “Love Me Tender” or “Kentucky Rain”?

  4. Oh, Yeah — That Coronation of King Charles. So How Did That Affect Your Life?

    Me: “I see that Charles had his coronation.”
    Wife: : “Yep.”

    Two seconds of reprieve from an awkward silence accomplished.

  5. Oh, Yeah — That Coronation of King Charles. So How Did That Affect Your Life?

    I get to tease the Canucks that I know that not only are they lead by a power glutton bastard child of Castro, but they also owe their allegiance to a sausage-fingered fop of a sovereign.

  6. My newsfeed is filled with stupid pictures of Charles, Camilla, other members of the royal family.
    Oh, and people wondering why Megan wasn’t there.

    All things I have to rush past

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