The British Call Government Plans “Schemes.” Sounds About Right

London Mayor’s Transport Team Bans Whites from Internships
National Pulse | May 23, 2023 | Jake Welch

Transport for London (TFL) – the government arm responsible for travel across Britain’s capital city – has banned white people from applying to internships. The organization – whose chairman is London Mayor Sadiq Khan – now only accepts applications from only ethnic minorities.

The organization’s website states, to apply to the Stuart Ross Communications Internship, “you must be of Black, Asian and minority ethnic background, defined as having some African, Afro-Caribbean, Asian or other non-white heritage.”

The Stuart Ross Internship has been excluding “non-whites” for a number of years already, with many graduates of the scheme going on to work in a number of industries including local government and the Metropolitan Police.

The Ministry of Silly Wokes


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