Welcome to IMAO! How To Recognize a Bad Sign When You Walk Into the HR Office

Left side of desk: complaints against you. Right side of desk: your accomplishments.

“I only have a wall decoration as an example of what is not allowed. Sit down.”


    • Look for the last time I’m sorry about leaving the sock in the washing machine. It won’t happen again. But if you don’t wear it with the regulation kilt you know you’re going to get all itchy and the pleats will get caught in your crevices just like last time.

  1. Left side of desk: complaints against you. Right side of desk: your accomplishments.

    We’re gonna hafta talk Port and Starboard, cuz from my perspective things are looking good.

  2. Well sir, yes that is quite a stack of complaints lodged against me, got to be at least 20..but, I have to point out that it IS company policy to not print documents unless signatures of at least three parties are required. To do otherwise destroys trees, causes climate change, angers management and accounting…oh..and most of my friends that would attend to protest this abuse of the planet would likely do some damage and harm the friends of ours that complained againgst me. How about we shred everything together and just agree this never happened…

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