Cartoons and Memes : Saturday Night Special Special

“Miss Cardinale, looking a bit tired there today.”

“That was a memorable Memorial Day weekend.”

“Glad you remembered it.”

“Well, most of it.”

“I won’t press you on that. So you got the results?”

“Yes and we have a special meme this week. The Moonnukers will have to make a choice from a single meme.”

“Ooooh, I like variety.”

“The keys are in the ignition but you can only take one car. Choose wisely.”



Choose your car.

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Which one is funniest?
133 votes · 133 answers

Friday Night Open Thread

Hey! I totally spaced on posting a Friday Night Open Thread! Well, here it is for a Saturday. Saturday, right? And I don’t think we work tomorrow. So it’s good for Sunday as well.

Kimberly Guilfoyle

Kimberly Guilfoyle

Kimberly Guilfoyle

Hey! Somehow, my innermost thoughts are being broad-cast on the world-wide web!

In all seriousness, though, I worked for ten years in an office alongside a single mom who looked remarkably like Kimberly. I could not seal the deal. What a loser. Might as well drink Bud Light.

Can you imagine going into work next to this regularly? Sometimes, when not showing cleavage or wearing T-shirts, she wore business suits, which had interesting implications. How anything at all got done, I’ll never know. Her desk was connected to mine. Ah, dear Martha. She had a very sweet personality, too. Innocent, if you can believe that.

Call in Detective Columbo

Socialite Spared Jail After Killing Police Chief

BBC | 6/1/23

Because she did not shoot the deputy?

Oh, I think I see now why she got off:

Hartin said had she accidentally shot her friend, superintendent Henry Jemmott, after the two went on a walk by the beachfront in Belize in 2021

A Canadian socialite who killed a police chief in Belize with his own gun has reportedly been spared prison time.

Jasmine Hartin, 34, was handed a £30,000 fine and 300 hours of community service, according to local reports.

She pleaded guilty in April to the manslaughter of Henry Jemmott on 28 May 2021. He died from a single gunshot wound to the head.

Hartin is the former partner of Andrew Ashcroft, the son of a prominent UK businessman Lord Michael Ashcroft.

Under the sentence handed down by the island’s high court, Hartin must pay $75,000 BZD within 12 months, or face a potential prison sentence of 12 months, according to Channel 5 Belize.

She must also рrоduсе а vіdео warning against the dangers of drunkenness and mishandling firearms, according to Breaking Belize News.

Now here’s the funny part:

At the time of Mr Jemmott’s death, Hartin and Mr Ashcroft lived in Belize with their two children.

Over the course of the investigation and criminal trial, it was revealed that Hartin and Mr Jemmott, who were known to be friends . . .

After having two kids? Ya think?

had been at a party in together on the island of Ambergris Caye on the night of his death.

Police say that the two took a stroll on the beach before ending up at a pier. At some point, Mr Jemmott handed her his gun to put aside.

She later told investigators that she had been drinking, and had fumbled with the Glock 17 after the police chief asked for it back, leading to an accidental discharge.

Police found Hartin near the pier, covered in blood and distraught. Mr Jemmott’s body was found in the water off San Pedro, Belize.

Not, for instance, off Ambergris Caye? Hmmmmmmmmmm. Hmmmmmmmmm.

Hartin was charged with manslaughter by negligence, and eventually pleaded guilty in April 2023.

Under Belize’s criminal code, the maximum prison sentence for manslaughter by negligence is five years.

After she pleaded guilty, Hartin told reporters outside court: “I just want Henry’s family to have peace now and I want this whole thing to be behind all of us so we can heal.”

The VanDerSloot family was called in for assistance in counseling.

She Had That Giant Gavel, and Her Husband Had a Hammer and a Friend. And You? You Are a Nail.

While Pelosi’s every physical move on January 6 is in the history books, her records related to January 6 are not. Representative Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), chairman of the now-defunct select committee, said Pelosi and her office were “off limits” from the investigation. Pelosi has not produced a single document, email, or call log to detail what she did in the weeks before January 6, even though her office was primarily responsible for security.

American Greatness | 1 Jun, 2023 | Julie Kelly

To Correct Errors of the Past, John McEnroe Retroactively Declared Winner of Every Girls’ High School Tennis Championship from 1979 to 1983

FBI Raids Homes of Women Who Were Previously Declared Winners; Seize Trophies

Ghost of Emu in back. I hate shorts.

Marijuana Legalized in Canadian Town

Straight Line of the Day: You Can’t Take It With You. You Can, However, …

Welcome to IMAO! Budweiser’s New Media Influencer Presented to Public

Oddly, only Joe Biden (face down on the sidewalk) seems interested.

Kamala Harris: “Saturday, Right?”

“Saturday is a day of the week. And who doesn’t love Saturday? A day we don’t have to work, unless you have a job that involves working on Saturday. Good night, everyone!”

Good Call
