IMAO Staff Meeting in Progress

“What can possibly be the delay with that planeload of kegs?”

Swiped Off the Internet: Can’t Have It Both Ways

I Think I’ve Located Biden’s Speechwriters

I also think that Lauren Oommen et al. throw everything against the wall just to see what sticks.

Rituximab Not Noninferior to Ocrelizumab for Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis
Medical Xpress / HealthDay / JAMA Neurology | June 14, 2023 | Elana Gotkine / Izanne Roos et al / Lauren Oommen et al

For patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (MS), rituximab is not noninferior to ocrelizumab, according to a study.

Izanne Roos, M.B.Ch.B., Ph.D. and colleagues examined whether the effectiveness of rituximab is noninferior to ocrelizumab in relapsing-remitting MS in an observational cohort study. Participants had a history of relapsing-remitting MS treated with ocrelizumab or rituximab, a minimum follow-up of six months, and sufficient data to calculate the propensity score. The analysis included 710 patients treated with ocrelizumab and 186 treated with rituximab.

The researchers found that the annualized rate of relapses ratio was higher in patients treated with rituximab versus ocrelizumab . . .

Master Raconteur


We’ve created over 13 million 400 thou- — I think it’s 13-450 million jobs — more than any president has in the first four years of any administration.
We’re — conservation — we’ve conserved more land and water than any administration has in American history.  We’ve conserved the most — for example, in Alaska alone, we’ve been able to preserve and make sure the 9 — excuse me, 9 million acres.  In Minnesota, the Boundary Waters, 250 million — thousand acres.


Well, you know, we got a — I proposed at one of those meetings with the — the six — there are seven major nations in the world economies — that we all agree to get rid of methane by the year 20- — well, we’re moving that way.  Methane is four, five, six times more damaging to the environment than, for example, just greenhouse gases.  And we — we talk about it all the time.

And they said, “Pop…” — they started at age; the oldest one spoke first.  And now we said, “Pop…” — named after my deceased daughter — I said — said, “Pop, you know Dad wants you to run.  Will you — you’ve got to run.  You’ve got to do it.”  

Remarks by President Biden at a Campaign Reception | Greenwich, CT | 6/16/23

Oddly enough, the “official transcript” omitted the “God Save the Queen, man” at the end. So much for official transcripts.

Straight Line of the Day: What Did Biden Mean by “God Save the Queen”?

Biden Bizarrely Ends Connecticut Speech With ‘God Save the Queen,’ Sparking Uproar: ‘Truly Incapacitated’
Fox News | 6/16/2023 | Charles Creitz

To the confusion of observers, he concluded, “All right. God Save the Queen, man,” before looking around to figure out where to walk offstage.

The current monarch of the United Kingdom is King Charles III — as his mother, the long-serving Queen Elizabeth II, died in September.

Welcome to IMAO! Should I Be Worried?

Found these written on the IMAO penthouse corridor sally-port’s Grecian pediment staircase alcove. What if they mean something?

Caption This!